DRUGGYAUDIOZ | 27 October 2023 | 473 MB
在我们的“Classic Riddims”的第三部分中,我们为您带来了卷。 3:情人摇滚。 受到贝雷斯·哈蒙德 (Beres Hammond)、弗雷迪·麦格雷戈 (Freddie McGregor) 和约翰尼·奥斯本 (Johnny Osbourne) 等雷鬼传奇人物浪漫低吟的启发,第三卷带来了 15 个真实且高品质的循环,全部采用鼓循环和现场乐器演奏。 该包由 Matthew Smythe(作曲、管风琴、钢琴、合成器、小号、长号)、Kikah Jackson(鼓)和 Nick Braham(贝斯、萨克斯)创作。
164 样品
In our 3rd installment of “Classic Riddims”, we bring you Vol. 3: Lovers Rock. Inspired by the romantic croonings of Reggae legends like Beres Hammond, Freddie McGregor, and Johnny Osbourne, this third volume brings 15 authentic and high quality loops all featuring drum loops, and live instrumentation. This pack was created by Matthew Smythe (compositions, organ, piano, synths, trumpet, trombone), Kikah Jackson (drums) and Nick Braham (bass, saxophone).
164 Samples