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DJ混音软件 – Serato DJ Pro 2.5.0 Build 2061 WIN

serato dj pro是一款功能方面相当不错的专业DJ软件;它支持用户将需要使用的数字音乐文件改变为您要进行使用的传统面板混音,内置了相当丰富的混音效果,让用户自定义的完成对效果的选择,而且使用相关混音功能的时候,让您的操作使用变得更加的强大;软件的功能还在不断的进行完善,也对先锋DJ DDJ-SX3支持.

Serato DJ Pro 2.x Multilingual | 368 MB

Serato DJ拥有崭新的外观,并且软件布局得到了极大的改进,并针对简单性和出色的体验进行了优化。新界面还为四个甲板控制器提供了两个和四个甲板视图模式,以及对提示点和循环控件的改进,现在,根据您的演奏方式,您可以显示8个线索,8个循环或两者的组合。


Shift + PnT 2.0更新
借助新的Pitch’n Time DJ键移位和同步功能,可以使任何混音产生和声。在不影响速度的情况下,以+/- 12个半音改变曲目的音调。单击键同步以匹配库中任何轨道的键,并检查混合与新键显示区域的兼容性。这些更新是Pitch’n Time DJ扩展包的一部分,对现有的Pitch’n Time DJ用户免费提供。以最高质量和任何可用软件的清晰度,在保持完美音调的同时,加快或减慢至极端速度值的速度。

最新版本的Serato DJ允许您重新映射主要MIDI设备上的按钮和旋钮。更改硬件的MIDI映射以获得对新功能的访问权,或自定义控制器以适合您的工作流程。

宣布支持全新的Pioneer DJ DJM-S9战斗混音器。两个声卡提供即插即用支持,可轻松进行B2B设置和DJ转换。 DJM-S9是启用Serato DJ和DVS的设备。在先锋的经典DJM-909调音台的基础上,DJM‑S9向前迈进了一步。提供新的硬件开发以及与Serato DJ的紧密开发的集成。大型演奏垫和可自定义的FX控件使DJ可以控制其音乐。

Serato DJ Club Kit是包含Serato DJ和DVS扩展包的许可证包。 Serato DJ 1.7.4中提供了此功能,以同时支持Rane MP2015,Pioneer DJM-850,DJM-900NXS和Allen&Heath Xone:43C,Xone:DB2和Xone:DB4。

Serato DJ支持7种语言,包括:英语,德语,法语,西班牙语,简体中文,日语和葡萄牙语。该软件的所有核心功能均已与设置屏幕和“我的Serato”窗口一起进行了翻译。

-Windows 10、8.1(32位和64位)。
-Windows 7(32位和64位)。



Serato DJ has a brand new look and a greatly improved software layout, optimized for simplicity and a great experience. The new interface also offers two and four deck view modes for four deck controllers, alongside improvements to the cue point and looping controls, which now allow you to display either 8 cues, 8 loops or a combination of both depending on how you perform.

New Key analysis features and display
We have added Serato key features and changed the workflow of the track analysis process. Get an accurate key reading for each track in your library without having to re-analyse BPM and beatgrids. Choose from 4 different key display options with optional color coding for easy harmonic mixing and library organization. Key information is written to your tracks ID3 tags and can be used in a number of other applications.

Key Shifting/PnT 2.0 updates
Make any mix harmonic with new Pitch ‘n Time DJ key shifting and syncing features. Change the key of your tracks by +/- 12 semitones without affecting the tempo. Click key sync to match the keys of any tracks in your library and check the compatibility of your blends with the new key display area. These updates are part of the Pitch ‘n Time DJ expansion pack, free for existing Pitch ‘n Time DJ users. Speed up or slow down your track to extreme tempo values while maintaining its key perfectly, with the highest quality and definition of any available software.

Remap your primary hardware
The latest version of Serato DJ allows you to remap the buttons and knobs on your primary MIDI device. Change the MIDI mapping of your hardware to gain access to new features or customize your controller to suit your workflow.

Pioneer DJ DJM-S9
Announcing support for the all new Pioneer DJ DJM-S9 battle mixer. Plug-and-play support provided with two soundcards, for easy B2B sets and DJ changeover. The DJM-S9 is a Serato DJ and DVS Enabled device. Building on the legacy of Pioneer’s classic DJM-909 mixer, the DJM‑S9 takes things a step further. Offering new hardware developments as well as tightly developed integration with Serato DJ. Large performance pads and customizable FX controls give DJs access to take control of their music.

Club Kit License Bundle & Hardware
The Serato DJ Club Kit is a license bundle containing Serato DJ and the DVS Expansion Pack. This is available with Serato DJ 1.7.4 to coincide with support for the Rane MP2015, Pioneer DJM-850, DJM-900NXS and the Allen & Heath Xone:43C, Xone:DB2 & Xone:DB4.

International Language Support
Serato DJ supports 7 languages including: English, German, French, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese. All the core features of the software have been translated along with the setup screen and the My Serato window.

System Requirements:
– Windows 10, 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit).
– Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit).

Home Page – https://serato.com/

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