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DrumDrops Tony Allens Afro Drops: Multitrack Sessions MULTiFORMAT-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 15 Apr 2021 | 57.91GB

Afro Drops是第一个从传奇人物Tony Allen发行的样品包。 Tony因为Fela Kuti创建的Afrobeat风格提供鼓声而闻名。通过此样本专辑,我们为您带来23个Afrobeat魔术鼓音轨。节奏很复杂,但听起来很轻松。所有的曲目都长约五分钟,其中包含许多由Tony熟练演奏的复杂填充和凹槽。大部分曲目都带有打击乐。节奏从82 bpm到164不等,横跨Tony五十年的职业生涯中有许多Afrobeat凹槽,其中一些凹槽的灵感来自他与Damon Albarn一起制作的曲目。

托尼·艾伦(Tony Allen)彻底改变了整个大陆的音乐景观,影响了西方流行音乐的发展进程。托尼(Tony)于1940年生于拉各斯,从未涉足非洲传统打击乐器。听着伟大的美国bebop鼓手Art Blakey和Max Roach的录音,他发明了一种技巧,并通过熟练掌握of片,尤其是非洲鼓手很少使用的踩-和the鼓来逐渐完善。当他在1960年代与Fela Kuti会面时,他们首先与著名的高生活爵士乐队Koola Lobitos合作,然后以Kuti的Afrobeat令世界着火。

托尼(Tony Allen)的声音录制在托尼(Tony)值得信赖的Pearl Masters Premium Studio套件上,并带有Pearl Masters小军鼓和Tony Allen定制军鼓,并带有关闭麦克风。所有鼓音轨会在不同的音乐部分中变化,从而提供一系列的动态效果和填充效果……所有这些都可供您直接使用,或轻松编辑成自己的音调。

托尼·艾伦(Tony Allen)的Afrodrops在伦敦的Studio 13中录制。 Tony经常录制的录音室。这是一个Neve VR录音棚,拥有一个宽敞的起居室,可提供出色的鼓声。鼓声是由工程师Stephen Sedgwick录制和混音的,他曾与Tony多次合作,参与过The Good The Bad The Queen,Rocket Juice and Moon和Dee博士等项目。


每首大小约2演出的多音轨为全长现场多音轨和歌曲制作循环。这些软件包包括一个速度映射和OMF文件,可导出到其他DAW。我们还提供Pro Tools,Logic,Cubase,Reason,Reaper,Studio One和Ableton Live的模板,音频以24位WAV格式提供。多轨乐曲循环锁定在节拍上,并切入歌曲结构,例如前奏,凹槽,凹槽填充和Outro。


Afro Drops is the first sample pack to be released anywhere from the legendary Tony Allen. Tony is renowned for providing the drum parts to the Afrobeat genre created by Fela Kuti. With this sample album we bring you twenty three drum tracks of Afrobeat magic. The rhythms are complex but sound effortless. All of the tracks are about five minutes long and contain plenty of intricate fills and grooves played expertly by Tony. Most of the tracks come with percussion. Ranging in tempo from 82 bpm to 164 there are Afrobeat grooves spanning Tony’s 50 year career including a few grooves inspired by tracks he produced with Damon Albarn.

Tony Allen revolutionised the musical landscape of an entire continent influencing the course of Western pop music. Born in Lagos in 1940 Tony never took up traditional African percussion. Listening to the recordings of the great American bebop drummers Art Blakey and Max Roach, he invented a technique that he gradually refined by honing his command of the cymbals, in particular the hi-hat, little used by African drummers – and the tom-toms. When he met up with Fela Kuti in the 1960s they collaborated first in the renowned highlife-jazz band, Koola Lobitos before setting the world on fire with Kuti’s Afrobeat.

Recorded on Tony’s trusty Pearl Masters Premium Studio kit with a Pearl Masters snare and a Tony Allen custom snare and close mic’d, the kit is the sound of Tony Allen. All the drum tracks change through different musical sections offering a range of dynamics and fills…all ready for you to use as is, or to easily edit into your own arrangement.

Tony Allen’s Afrodrops was recorded at Studio 13 in London. A studio where Tony has frequently recorded. It is a Neve VR studio with a good sized live room that provides a great tight drum sound. The drum tracks were recorded and mixed by engineer Stephen Sedgwick who has worked with Tony many times on projects including The Good The Bad The Queen, Rocket Juice and the Moon and Dr Dee.

All twenty three tracks can be purchased multi-tracks (unmixed), stems (mixed), drum loop packs or MP3 practice tracks.

The Multi-tracks which are around 2 gig each in size come as full length live multi-tracks and song construction loops. These packs include a tempo map and OMF file to export into other DAW. We also provide templates for Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, Reason, Reaper, Studio One and Ableton Live and the audio comes as 24 Bit WAVs. The Multi-track Song Loops are locked to the beat and cut into song structures such as Intro, groove, groove fills and Outro.

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