Team R2R | 2021.12.27 | 1.37 GB
Adrenaline 包括注入狂暴旋律的黑暗、沉重、暴力时刻的原始多轨构建套件。震耳欲聋的工业节拍,撕破你脸的吉他和剧烈的控制论舞池震动。准备好一些肾上腺素!
加载其中一个预设,您会看到每个循环都以构造套件格式映射到各个混音器通道上。炽热的 tek-metal 循环与愤怒融合在一起,控制论的舞池震动,狂暴的新金属时刻,令人毛骨悚然的切割氛围与威胁和态度交织在一起:
Adrenaline includes pumping raw multi-track construction kits of dark, heavy, violent moments injected with raging melodies. Chest-stomping industrial beats, tear-your-face-off guitars and thrashing cybernetic dance floor jolts. Get ready for some Adrenaline!
Load up one of the presets and you’ll see each of the loops mapped out onto individual mixer channels in a construction kit format. Searing tek–metal loops fused with fury, thrashing cybernetic dance floor jolts, raging nu metal moments, eerie cutting vibes laced with menace and attitude:
Adrenaline provides the sonic landscape for the sound of now.
Encapsulating, emotive, energetic, and eerie are just some of the reactions to witnessing the blistering onslaught of the Adrenaline experience.
Sit back, pierce/tattoo anyone/ everything in sight and be ready for the ear retching aural onslaught that could only come from a pure shot of Adrenaline.