Team R2R | 2021.12.28 | 780.12 MB
Drum ‘n’ Bass Construction Kits 是 Drum ‘n’ Bass 凹槽和故障的惊人集合,全部采用构造套件格式。 该系列包含由纽约市制作人兼声音设计师 James Bernard 创作的超过两个小时的最新鼓和贝斯律动。 首先你得到完整的循环,然后是鼓部分、低音炮部分、合成器垫和单独的鼓点:一切都被分解了,所以你可以根据需要尽可能多地或尽可能少地使用每个循环。
Drum ’n’ Bass Construction Kits is an amazing collection of Drum ’n’ Bass grooves and breakdowns, all in a construction kit format. The collection contains over two hours of the latest drum and bass grooves created by New York City producer and sound designer James Bernard. First you get the complete loop, followed by the drum part, sub-bass part, synth pads and individual drum hits: everything is broken down so you can use as much or as little of each loop as you want.