FANTASTiC | 2023年2月04日| 1.58 GB
混合Sonic Branding Kit是一个企业标识和动态图形音效库,为大品牌,声波标识,介绍,outros, twitch, youtube,解释器视频,音频标识和标题屏幕提供豪华的声音设计风格。在里面,您将能够利用超过480专业设计的声音效果,保证使您的工作流程更快。让你的好奇心与丰富的序列,抛光的声音品牌运动和获得声音类型,如运动,过渡,揭示,出现,消失,标题屏幕,电影,口音,特别有用的视听需求和制作。
UCS兼容& Soundminer元数据
所有485声音文件旨在使您的生活更轻松,生产工作流程更快,并以96kHz/24bit . wav文件格式交付,以保持一流的音频保真度。此外,您还可以获得整个集合的44.1k 16位. wav版本,因此您永远不需要转换文件。混合索尼克品牌工具包-声音包的预混音频已准备好拖放到您的游戏或电影。只需选择最适合你的项目的格式,让你的制作听起来很棒!
•所有96k 24位。wav
•完美的声波品牌,介绍,outros, twitch,解释视频
FANTASTiC | 04 February 2023 | 1.58 GB
Hybrid Sonic Branding Kit is a business identity & motion graphics sound effects library that delivers luxury sound design styles for big brands, sonic identities, intros, outros, twitch, youtube, explainer videos, audio logos and title screens. Inside you’ll be able to utilize over 480 professionally designed sound effects that are guaranteed to make your workflow faster. Let your curiosity flow with lush sequences, polished sonic branding motion and get sound types like movements, transitions, reveals, appears, disappears, title screens, cinematic’s, accents and is especially useful for audiovisual needs and productions.
Artistically Inspired
Now it’s easy to experience premium big brand sound. Hybrid Sonic Branding Kit will help you build powerful and emotional sonic branding connections and logo animation audio that lets users feel the experience. Brands need to create reusable sonic assets that drive recognition at all touch points. That’s why we created Hybrid Sonic Branding Kit, so you get everything you need to build a compelling signature sound design, exciting cinematic’s, unique brand identity, motion graphics audio and immersive sonic experiences. Ready to use in any game, film, video or anywhere transition sound fx are needed.
UCS Compliant & Soundminer Metadata
All sound effects labeling is UCS compliant & is organized into categories to make it easier to navigate with understandable folder structures: Evolving Pads, Glamorous, Granular Entropy, Melody Evolutions, Motion Drones, Organic SFX, Percussive One Shots, Signature Stabs, Transitions & more. On top of UCS, Hybrid Sonic Branding Kit features extensive metadata embedded in the files using soundminer metadata to help you find the right sound at the right time as well.
Includes Entire Library
All of the 485 sound files are designed to make your life easier, production workflow faster and delivered in 96kHz/24bit .WAV file format to maintain top-notch audio fidelity. Plus, you get a 44.1k 16 Bit .WAV version of the entire collection so you never need to convert files. Hybrid Sonic Branding Kit – sound pack’s premixed audio is ready to drag and drop into your game or film. Simply choose the format that suits your project best and let your production sound great!
Product details:
•480 designed brand identity sound effects files
•All in 96k 24bit .wav
•116 minutes of audio
•Includes embedded Soundminer metadata
•UCS Compliant
•Perfect for sonic branding, intros, outros, twitch, explainer videos
•Motion graphics library for audio identity, logos, animation & title screen transitions & movement
•49 Evolving Swells & Transitions
•40 Glamorous Fashion SFX
•64 Granular Entropy
•50 Melody Evolutions
•50 Motion Drones
•37 Designed Note Accents
•40 Layered Organic SFX
•43 Percussive One Shots
•51 Signature Stabs
•61 Sweeps, Whooshes & Transitions
•All sound effects are youtube friendly & royalty free
•RTU-OTB (Ready to be used out of the box)