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EST Studios BCee Drum and Bass WAV-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 07 Jun 2023 | 453.2MB

真实性和灵魂深深地融入了 BCee 向世界展示的一切。 他创作的任何节拍、他写的任何歌曲、他拥护的任何艺术家、他策划的任何阵容……除非他自己完全相信,否则没有任何东西能获得 BCee 的认可。 这个样本包也不例外,使用您将在他备受推崇的作品中听到的一些经典样本巧妙地创建,这个包包含获得 BCee 声音所需的一切!

作为 Spearhead Records 的创始人,BCee 培养并向世界展示了许多新锐艺术家,他们已经成为 Drum & Bass 领域的知名人士,包括 Hybrid Minds、Netsky、LSB、Alix Perez、Redeyes、S.P.Y 和 Pola &布赖森。

详细而言,预计会找到超过 678mb 的内容,所有音频均以 24 位和 44.1kHz 录制。 包括 Drum Loops、Bass Sounds、Drum Hits、Atmospherics 等。

美国东部标准时间工作室。 由全球知名电子音乐公司提供的专业品质音频样本、循环、VST 预设和制作教程。

60 首低音打击和循环
150 次鼓点和循环
30 Fx 声音
24 位 44.1KHZ


Authenticity and soul are coded deep into everything BCee puts out into the world. Any beat he lays down, any song he writes, any artist he champions, any line-up he curates… Nothing has the BCee stamp of approval unless he has full belief in it himself. This sample pack is no exception, masterfully created using some of the classic samples you will hear in his highly regarded productions, this pack contains everything needed to get the BCee sound!

As the founder of Spearhead Records BCee has nurtured and presented numerous fresh artists to the world who’ve gone onto become some of the biggest names in Drum & Bass, including Hybrid Minds, Netsky, LSB, Alix Perez, Redeyes, S.P.Y, and Pola & Bryson.

In detail, expect to find over 678mb of content with all audio recorded at 24Bit & 44.1kHz. Including Drum Loops, Bass Sounds, Drum Hits, Atmospherics and more.

EST Studios. Pro quality audio samples, loops, VST presets and production tutorials delivered by the biggest global names in electronic music.

Sample pack contents:
60 Bass Hits and Loops
150 Drum Hits and Loops
124 Melodic Hits and Loops
30 Fx Sounds
24Bit 44.1KHZ

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