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Est Studios Liquid Drum & Bass Vocals WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 24 June 2023 | 746.34 MB

EST Studios 很荣幸地推出这套由新星 Sammie Hall 熟练演唱的 Liquid 鼓和贝斯人声的杰出合集。 该包适合任何想要将美妙的和声和令人难以忘怀的主唱融入到您的作品中的人。 使用专业品质的设备(包括模拟硬件)进行专业录制和处理。 这些声音使用时 100% 免版税。

该包包含五首完整歌曲,分为清晰标记的序列,包括和声、副歌和桥段以及每首歌的湿版和干版。 此外,您还将获得一系列可以混合在一起的较短序列,以及一系列演唱短语和口语台词。

受到 Technimatic、Hybrid Minds、Monrroe、Calibre、LSB 和 Spectrasoul 等艺术家的影响。 如果您是 Liquid Drum & Bass 的粉丝,这是不容错过的!

具体来说,预计会找到 976 MB 的内容,所有音频均以 24 位 44.1kHz 录制。 共有 5 个主要歌曲组,由 146 个单独的部分组成,4 个小歌曲组由 88 个单独的部分组成,以及 228 个口语和唱词。



您不能说您的作品以歌手为特色(作为合作者、客座艺术家、合著者或其他)。 如果您希望将您的作品归功于主唱,请明确您的作品仅使用“液体鼓和贝司样本集”。


• 5 个乐曲套件(146 个独立声部)
• 4 个小型歌曲套件(88 个独立声部)
• 口语和歌唱短语(228 部分)


EST Studios are proud to present this outstanding collection of Liquid Drum & Bass vocals, expertly sung by rising star Sammie Hall. This pack is for anyone who wants beautiful harmonies and haunting vocal leads ready to drop into your productions. Expertly recorded and processed using pro-quality equipment, including analogue hardware. These sounds are 100% royalty-free for use.

The pack contains five full songs broken down into clearly labelled sequences that include harmonies, hooks, and bridges as well as wet and dry versions of each song. In addition, you will also get a series of shorter sequences that can be mixed together, as well as a range of sung phrases and spoken lines.

Influenced by artists like Technimatic, Hybrid Minds, Monrroe, Calibre, LSB, and Spectrasoul. If you are a fan of Liquid Drum & Bass, this is not to be missed!

In detail, expect to find 976 MB of content, with all audio recorded at 24-bit 44.1kHz. There are 5 main song kits made up of 146 individual parts, 4 bite-sized song kits made up of 88 individual parts, and 228 spoken words and sung phrases.

Please note: this pack contains vocals only, the other sounds you hear in the demo track are for illustration purposes.

Please note, when releasing any production featuring this collection for public release, please use the following protocol for crediting:

You may not say your production features the vocalist (as a collaborator, guest artist, co-writer, or other). If you wish to credit the vocalist on your production, please make it clear your production is using the “Liquid Drum & Bass Vocals Sample Collection” only.

Product Details:

• 5 Song Kits (146 Individual Parts)
• 4 Bite-Sized Song Kits (88 Individual Parts)
• Spoken Words & Sung Phrases (228 Parts)

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