ohsie | 23 July 2024 | 29.4 GB
用有呼吸的排箫和quena来清新你的音乐,或者用charango和ronroco来增加一点能量。编年史- Inti提供通过南美音乐传统之旅,由著名的智利多乐器演奏家Cesar Marin指导。多种可玩的技术和独特的纹理性能,捕捉在世界级的细节,使这个库的多功能,因为它是深。
Freshen up your music with the breathy panflute and quena, or add a dash of energy with the charango and ronroco. Chronicles – Inti offers a tour through South American musical traditions, guided by renowned Chilean multi-instrumentalist Cesar Marin. Multiple playable techniques and unique textural performances, captured in world-class detail, make this library as versatile as it is deep.