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Freaky Loops Solaris Vol 2 Cinematic Atmospheres WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 17 February 2024 | 743 MB

我们很自豪地推出 Solaris Vol. 1。 2:电影氛围 – 充满空灵乐趣的令人惊叹的合集,将把您的音乐制作提升到非凡的高度。


深入黑暗的深处,不祥的气氛让人毛骨悚然,为令人毛骨悚然的悬疑故事营造气氛,感受有机质感的声音抚摸你的感官,将你包围在纯粹想象的交响乐中。 此外,体验翻天覆地的隆隆声和复杂的颗粒纹理,为您的声音调色板增添深度和复杂性。

拥抱 Solaris Vol 的力量。 2 在您的电影杰作中观看您的视频游戏背景和预告片变得栩栩如生。


准备好改变你的声音了吗? 这些未被发现的氛围将成为您用才华和创新填补每一个空白的黄金门票。

本网站/页面上对任何品牌的任何引用(包括对品牌和仪器的引用)仅供说明之用。 例如,提供对乐器品牌的参考来描述乐器和/或样本中使用的乐器的声音。 Loopmasters 与这些品牌没有(也不声称)有任何关联或认可。 这些品牌所附带的任何商誉均归品牌所有者所有。 Loopmasters 或其供应商不承担与样本内容或描述准确性相关的任何责任。 “RHODES”是 Joseph A Brandstetter 的注册商标。


• 1.04 GB
• 24 位/44.1kHz WAV
• 总共 100 个文件
• 8 种环境纹理
• 27 个音调和无调性氛围
• 18 个黑暗和不祥的气氛
• 17 种精致、宁静的氛围
• 13 个颗粒大气
• 17 个隆隆气氛


We are proud to present Solaris Vol. 2: Cinematic Atmospheres – an awe-inspiring collection teeming with ethereal delights that will elevate your music production to extraordinary heights.

Unleash your creativity with a treasure trove of cinematic beds and evolving backgrounds, conjuring epic landscapes that paint vivid pictures in the minds of listeners.

Delve into the depths of darkness with ominous atmospheres that send shivers down spines, set the mood for chilling tales of suspense, and feel the organic textural sounds caress your senses, enveloping you in a symphony of pure imagination. What’s more, experience the ground-shaking rumbles and the intricate granular textures that add depth and complexity to your sonic palette.

Embrace the power of Solaris Vol. 2 in your cinematic masterpieces and watch your video game backgrounds and trailers come to life.

Dive into the world of electronic music genres including ambient, downtempo, electronica, experimental, and abstract, and discover new dimensions of creativity that surpass all expectations.

Ready to transform your sound? These undiscovered atmospheres will be your golden ticket to filling every gap with brilliance and innovation.

Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. “RHODES” is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.

Product Details:

• 1.04 GB
• 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
• 100 Total Files
• 8 Ambience Textures
• 27 Tonal & Atonal Atmospheres
• 18 Dark & Ominous Atmospheres
• 17 Delicate & Peaceful Atmospheres
• 13 Granular Atmospheres
• 17 Rumble Atmospheres

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