Team ARCADiA | WAV MiDi Logic Pro X Project Files Spire Presets | 2.91 GB
我们与音乐制作传奇人物 Dave Parkinson 合作制作,很自豪地推出备受期待的 Dave Parkinson Progressive Essentials!
作为拥有 25 年以上制作经验的资深人士以及 Mark Knight 和 Kolonie 等艺术家的工程师,Dave 是业内最优秀的人之一 – 这一次,他创建了一个真正改变游戏规则的样本、预设和项目文件集合,专门针对 Eric Prydz、Artbat、Camelphat、Kolonie、Miss Monique、Korolova 等现代前卫声音。
5 GB 的令人脊背发凉、更黑暗、更怀旧的声音,可以满足当代进步的口味,这个包充满了真正美丽的主音、令人难忘的钢琴、清脆、原始的鼓点和循环、最小的琶音、悦耳的拨弦、令人难以忘怀的声音。 人声、强劲的贝斯线和大气的效果。
“老实说,我现在甚至不想使用任何其他包。” ——附庸风雅
“戴夫·帕金森 (Dave Parkinson) 知道如何制作曲目。您可以从这个包中看出,因为它按相关类别整齐地组织起来,每种声音都可以立即用于几乎所有类型的舞曲音乐,而不仅仅是渐进式!我将在我即将推出的曲目中使用这些声音 一定!” ——阿明·范布伦
“Dave Parkinson 总是能提供一流的声音。喜欢他的作品,这是您图书馆中必须拥有的东西。” ——伊兰·青石
“Dave 对细节的关注是无与伦比的。这个包从上到下、从左到右都充满了灵感。我特别喜欢人声循环和单镜头,因为 Dave 完美地捕捉到了进步的美学。在样本的顶部,尖顶 对于任何寻求扩展声音武器库的人来说,银行和逻辑项目都是梦想成真。” ——约翰·格兰德
“我很幸运能够与 Dave 合作,他的知识和技能是最优秀的。如果您正在制作 Progressive house、progressive trance 或更深层次的旋律声音,这个包适合您。
与 95% 的样本包只包含少量可用的声音不同,Dave 的渐进式包充满了伟大的音乐创意,可以让创意源源不断,从单个镜头到低音循环,制作一首出色曲目所需的一切都在这个中 盒。 MIDI 文件都是带有键标签的,不要忘记查看 Spire 的补丁。
11/10 – 买它! 你不会失望的。” ——科洛尼
“戴夫·帕金森(Dave Parkinson)的这个新的渐进式样本包令人难以置信。如此多的史诗音景、循环和热门歌曲与所有风格的电子舞曲相得益彰。期待着投入其中。” ——格雷格·唐尼
“很高兴在我的最新作品中测试这个包 – 正如 Dave 所期望的那样,它的用处如此明显,你会发现自己一次又一次地回到它。肥厚的圆形底鼓,完美的 EQ 打击乐,没有随机的废话声音! 无论您是要添加 FX 层还是需要基础的踢腿和循环来启动项目,该包都适合从微妙的 Cid Inc 氛围到更有活力的 house、prog trance 和 Break 等一切内容。” ——彼得·斯蒂尔
“我在我的作品中使用了 Dave 的每一个样本包。它们在现代舞曲音乐中是首屈一指的。我很确定 O’ 也会使用这个。一如既往的出色工作!” ——塞巴斯蒂安·勃兰特
Produced in collaboration with music production legend Dave Parkinson, we are proud to present the highly-anticipated Dave Parkinson Progressive Essentials!
As a 25+ year production veteran and engineer for artists like Mark Knight and Kolonie, Dave is among the best in the industry – and this time, he has created a truly game-changing collection of samples, presets, and project files geared specifically toward the modern progressive sounds of Eric Prydz, Artbat, Camelphat, Kolonie, Miss Monique, Korolova, and more.
With 5 GB of spine-tingling, darker, and more nostalgic sounds to satisfy the contemporary progressive palate, this pack is overflowing with truly beautiful leads, unforgettable pianos, crisp, pristine drum hits and loops, minimal arpeggios, ear-pleasing plucks, haunting vocals, powerful basslines, and atmospheric FX.
If you’re looking for the tools to create truly beautiful and cutting-edge progressive tracks, do not miss out on the pure creative inspiration and treasure trove of super usable sounds in this pack!
Artist Testimonials
“Honestly, I don’t even want to use any other packs at this point.” –Arty
“Dave Parkinson knows how to produce a track. You can tell from this pack because it’s neatly organized by relevant categories and each sound is instantly usable in almost every genre of dance music, not only progressive! I will use these sounds in my upcoming tracks for sure!” –Armin van Buuren
“Dave Parkinson always delivers top notch sounds. Love his work and this is something you must have in your library without fail.” –Ilan Bluestone
“Dave’s attention to detail is unparalleled. This pack is inspirational from top to bottom, left to right. I particularly enamoured with the vocal loops and one-shots, as Dave has captured the progressive aesthetic perfectly. On top of the samples, the spire bank and logic projects are a dream come true for anyone seeking to expand their sonic arsenals.” –John Grand
“I’ve been fortunate enough to have worked with Dave, and his knowledge and skillset is up there with the very best. If you’re making progressive house, progressive trance, or a deeper more melodic sound, this pack is for you.
Unlike 95% of sample packs that only ever contain a handful of usable sounds, Dave’s progressive pack is full of great musical ideas to get the creative juices flowing, from one shots to bass loops, everything you need to make a great track is in this pack. The MIDI files are all key-labelled, and don’t forget to check out the patches for Spire.
11/10 – BUY IT! You won’t be disappointed.” –Kolonie
“This new progressive sample pack from Dave Parkinson is incredible. So many epic soundscapes, loops, and hits that complement all styles of electronic dance music. Looking forward to getting stuck into this.” –Greg Downey
“Had the pleasure of testing out this pack in my latest productions – As expected from Dave it makes its usefulness so obvious you find yourself going back to it again and again. Fat rounded kicks, perfectly EQ’d percussion and no random nonsense sounds! Whether you’re adding an FX layer or need a bedrock of kicks & loops to kick off a project, this pack fits right into everything from subtle Cid Inc vibes to more energetic house, prog trance, & breaks.” –Peter Steele
“I’ve been using every sample pack from Dave in my productions. They are the second to none in modern dance music. I’m pretty sure O’ll be using this one as well. As always excellent work!” –Sebastian Brandt
Sample Pack Content
Due to the sheer size of this pack, we’ve split it up into smaller parts to make downloading easy. Please note that you’ll need around 5 GB of free space to extract everything.
Here is a detailed breakdown:
Dave has been behind some of the most prolific basslines and drops in the history of trance – and this section showcases his ability to sculpt and compose bass sequences that really rock your low, mid, and top end.
Every bassline loop is key-labeled, with all MIDI files included for each loop (including the individual layers).
The bass loops are broken down by key into subfolders.
372x bass hits (in all keys)
30x BPM bassline loops at 122 BPM (with MIDI files)
30x BPM bassline loops at 125 BPM (with MIDI files)
30x bassline loops at 128 BPM (with MIDI files)
All drum one-shot samples are engineered to pristine quality and diverse enough to use across a wide range of electronic dance music genres.
This section is packed full of usable loops from 122 to 128 BPM, with a ton of versatile, high-energy styles to suit different sounds. All drum loops are available in full, hats, kick, and percussion-only variants for easy mixing and matching in your productions.
Drum Hits
850x drum hits
100x claps
100x closed hats
50x crash cymbals
100x kicks
100x open hats
100x percussion hits
50x reverse hats
50x rides
100x snares
100x toms
Drum Loops
50x drum fills (from 122 to 128 BPM)
15x drum loops at 122 BPM (full, hats, kick, and percussion variants)
15x drum loops at 125 BPM (full, hats, kick, and percussion variants)
15x drum loops at 128 BPM (full, hats, kick, and percussion variants)
150x hat loops at 122, 125, and 128 BPM
150x percussion loops at 122, 125, and 128 BPM
Dave is well known for his innovative, creative manipulation of FX and this FX section is arguably a complete sample library in its own right. All FX are broken down into easy-to-navigate subfolders that make it easy to quickly find the transition or one shot you need.
50x atmosphere FX, keyed with BPM data
50x down sweep FX
50x FX loops at 122, 125 and 128 BPM
50x FX hits
50x impacts
50x up sweeps
50x white noise FX
Logic Pro X Project Files
Complete and truly usable, each of these project files for Logic Pro X has its own distinctive mood and contains all samples, synths, and associated MIDI files for each melodic element.
All project files are key and BPM labeled for ease of use.
Be sure to check out the two different audio demonstrations for a comprehensive insight into what is included in the pack. Both audio demonstrations are available to hear via the audio player playlist button on the top right of this page.
4 complete Logic Pro X project files, including all channel strips, presets, etc.
These are patches exported directly from the work on the sample pack and his own existing projects, so you are getting the genuine “bread and butter” sounds Dave uses daily in the studio. All sounds are named and organized in traditional Freshly Squeezed Samples fashion.
50x Spire presets: 10 acids, 10 basses, 10 leads, 10 pads and 10 plucks
Want to get a tighter bass drop at your climax? Use bass hits in your sampler for tighter envelope control and more punch in your mix.
All the one-shots are engineered to perfection and instantly usable straight out of the box. All one-shots samples also have the key in the filename.
All stabs and loops are keyed and BPM labelled. MIDI files for the loops are also included.
370x synth stabs in all keys
90x acid loops at 122, 125, and 128 BPM
90x pad loops at 122, 125, and 128 BPM
90x synth loops at 122, 125, and 128 BPM
90x pad loops at 122, 125, and 128 BPM
Vocal Hits & Loops
Vocal hits and loops can be the secret ingredient needed to spice an otherwise lacking breakdown, or add drive to your build ups and climaxes. Used correctly, vocal loops can turn an average track into an epic one.
250x vocal hits in all keys
90x vocal loops at 122, 125, and 128 BPM
Artistic Influences
While producing this sample library Dave was inspired and influenced by artists like Camelphat, Fehrplay, Miss Monique, Yotto, Kolonie, Artbat, Eric Prydz/Pryda, and others.
Sample Library Properties
100% royalty-free
Produced by an engineering veteran with over 25 years of combined experience
3,127 named samples, sorted into well-defined categories
4 complete project files – including all loops and MIDI files
50 synthesiser presets included for RevealSound Spire
All samples are rooted, volume normalized, and labeled
Chart and club-proven samples – ready to use out the box
Road-tested by leading producers in the industry
MIDI files are included for all construction kit elements, bass lines, leads, and pad loops
Technically 3 products in one – one comprehensive sample library, one collection of music loops in all keys, & one sound bank
In short, the way a sample library should be!
Technical Specification
Format(s): WAV, MID, SBF, SPF2
Type: Sample Library
Number of files: 3,181
Size (uncompressed): 4.4 GB
Label: Freshly Squeezed Samples
Product Series: Artist Series
With this, you’ve got yourself the ultimate package of high-quality, highly popular, and fully club-oriented samples!