WAV OGG | 733.69 MB
13 个动态管弦乐主题的音乐资产集合,灵感来自经典和现代策略角色扮演游戏的音乐。 非常适合各种军事、奇幻和 RPG 媒体项目。 包括标准、循环、无打击乐和无打击乐循环版本。 所有 13 首曲目的总长度为 21:03。
此包包含 52 个 WAV 文件(44.1kHz,16 位)和 52 个 OGG 文件(320 kbps):
13 首管弦乐曲目
13 个循环管弦乐曲目
13 首无打击乐管弦乐曲目
13 个循环的无打击乐管弦乐曲目
A music asset collection of 13 dynamic orchestral themes inspired by the music of classic and modern strategy roleplaying games. Ideal for a wide variety of military, fantasy and RPG media projects. Includes standard, looped, no percussion and no percussion looped versions. All 13 tracks clock in at 21:03 in total length.
This pack contains 52 WAV files (44.1kHz, 16bit) & 52 OGG files (320 kbps):
13 orchestral tracks
13 looped orchestral tracks
13 no percussion orchestral tracks
13 looped no percussion orchestral tracks
All tracks are available royalty-free for you to use in your personal and commercial media projects.