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Ghost Syndicate Phantom Halftime Sample Pack WAV

WAV | 542.17 MB

女士们、先生们,请来认识一下《PHANTOM: Ghost Syndicate》的样本包,其完全异常的样本包充满了扭曲和危险的声音,能够在任何允许声音传播的环境中造成严重破坏。

“幽灵辛迪加从来不会让人失望! 适当的重型中场未来嘻哈风格的节拍、循环和样本……从一开始听起来就绝对令人惊叹! 鼓声有力、坚硬、干净,正是医生所吩咐的!” – 苏克·奈特

受到住在下水道的蜥蜴人会呼吸毒素、完全疯狂的精神病噩梦的启发,PHANTOM 封装了“扭曲”这个词的本质,将其包装成声音形状,以最高质量渲染,小心地将其分割到不同的文件夹中,并用大炮将其发射,以确保它整齐地落在您的 DAWstep 上。

在极其小心地处理接待处后,您会发现声音将充满您的工作空间,其中有炮弹般的沉重节拍、粗糙扭曲的中音、一系列异常的合成纹理等等。 内容适合创作各种流派和风格的贝斯音乐,但整体特征以诸如中场和未来节拍等新兴流派为中心。

无论您的应用是什么,请不要犯错:PHANTOM 将证明是一个全方位的怪物屋,适合任何需要实验性科幻驱动边缘和无情低音力量的曲目。

所有循环和单次采样均 100% 免版税,带有调性和节奏标记,并可以 24 位 Wav 格式下载。


Ladies and gentlemen, please meet PHANTOM: Ghost Syndicate’s utter abnormity of a sample pack brimming with twisted & dangerous sounds capable of wreaking havoc in any environment that allows for sound propagation.

“Ghost Syndicate never fail to disappoint! Proper heavy halftime future hip-hop style beats, loops and samples…sounding absolutely amazing from the get-go! Drums sounding punchy, hard and clean, just what the doctor ordered!” – Sukh Knight

Inspired by psychotic nightmares of a toxin-breathing sewer-dwelling lizard-man thing that’s gone completely bonkers, PHANTOM encapsulates the very essence of the word “contortion”, wraps it into a sonic shape, renders in highest quality, carefully splits it across different folders, and launches it with a cannon to make sure it neatly lands right onto your DAWstep.

Upon reception handle with extreme care, for inside you’ll find sound that will swarm your workspace with artillery-heavy beats, gnarly distorted mids, a range of anomalous synthetic textures, and much, much more. The contents are fit for creating various genres and styles of bass music, but the overall character pivots around such newly-emerged genres as Halftime and Future Beats.

Whatever your application, make no mistake: PHANTOM will prove an all-round monsterhouse for any track that calls for experimental sci-fi driven edge and unrelenting bass power.

All loops and one shot samples are 100% royalty free, key and tempo labeled and available to download in 24 Bit Wav.

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