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Ghosthack Commercial Deep House WAV MIDI SERUM PRESETS-GTA

GTA | 10 May 2024 | 972 MB

点亮舞池——Deep House 正在接管这个地方。
Commercial Deep House 是对主流舞曲音乐流派当前状态的一次有趣而广泛的探索,具有大量循环、单次、MIDI 剪辑、血清预设和构建套件,这些将很快成为您新的首选套件 我们都渴望的创意火花和感染力氛围。

Commercial Deep House 的容量为 1.09GB,充满深沉的低音律动、令人难以置信的人声、坚实的节奏以及似乎无穷无尽的旋律灵感和难忘的时刻,它一定会成为您未来几年制作武器库的一部分。

每个声音都经过精心制作,免版税,并且 100% 可以立即在您的项目中使用! 我们认为演示曲目本身就说明了一切,并且绝对代表了您将在里面找到的内容。 现在就抓住它并开始吧!

20 次低音射击
20 拍手
20 踩镲
20 踢
20 军鼓
30 首打击乐歌曲
5 次游乐设施
20 鼓声
15 下举者
15 影响
15 个立管
20 次合成镜头
30 个声音镜头
循环 [120 – 125 BPM] 20 个大气
30 个低音循环
30 个鼓循环和 62 个 STEM
70 个旋律循环
35 个人声循环(干湿)
30 个低音 MIDI 文件
70 个旋律 MIDI 文件
2 个搭建套件
带有 72 个 STEM(干式和湿式)和 MIDI
20 个血清预设(贝斯、垫音、弹拨和合成器)
总大小:1.09 GB


Light Up The Dance Floor – Deep House is Taking Over the Place.
Commercial Deep House is a fun and sprawling exploration into the current state of the dominant dance music genre, featuring a massive collection of loops, one-shots, MIDI clips, Serum presets and construction kits that will quickly become your new go-to kit for that creative spark and infectious vibe we all crave.

Weighing in at 1.09GB and loaded with deep bass grooves, incredible vocals, solid beats and seemingly endless gobs of inspiration for melodies and memorable moments along the way, Commercial Deep House is sure to be a part of your production arsenal for years to come.

Every sound is expertly crafted, royalty-free and 100% cleared to use in your projects right now! We think the demo track speaks for itself and definitely represents what you’ll find inside. Grab it now and get started!

What You Will Find in This Pack
20 Bass Shots
20 Claps
20 Hi-Hats
20 Kicks
20 Snares
30 Percussion Hits
5 Rides
20 Drum Rolls
15 Downlifters
15 Impacts
15 Risers
20 Synth Shots
30 Vocal Shots
LOOPS [120 – 125 BPM] 20 Atmospheres
30 Bass Loops
30 Drum Loops with 62 STEMs
70 Melody Loops
35 Vocal Loops (wet & dry)
30 Bass MIDI Files
70 Melody MIDI Files
2 Construction Kits
with 72 STEMs (dry & wet) and MIDI
20 Serum Presets (Bass, Pad, Pluck & Synth)
Total Files: 726
Total Size: 1.09 GB

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