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Ghosthack Deathstep Essentials Volume 2 WAV MIDI SERUM PRESETS-GTA

GTA | 10 May 2024 | 668 MB

《Deathstep Essentials 2》充满了磨砺金属、疯狂疯狂的贝斯、超重的鼓、恶毒的声音样本以及对感官的全面攻击。 这也是我们目前声音包库中所有系列中最重要的后续作品。 因此,系好安全带,系好安全带,与您所爱的人吻别。 这是一张前往 MOAR 的单程票!

Deathstep Essentials 2 具有 7 类循环、5 类一次性样本、5 类 MIDI 剪辑和 30 个额外的 Serum 合成器预设,是一个一站式商店,可提供令人耳目一新的制作效果。 从鼓舞人心的循环开始,然后使用您最喜欢的采样器中的相应一次性样本将声音带到您喜欢的任何地方。

通过大量的填充、滚动、FX 和人声镜头,可以轻松保持强度并降低无聊感。 我们不要忽视旋律。 它们是令人心旷神怡的低音合成器的理想并列搭档。 谈论一二拳!

现在就开始使用 Deathstep Essentials 2 制作超重音轨。充满信心地完成这一切,因为此包以及 Ghosthack 的所有其他包中的所有声音都是 100% 免版税,并且可以在您的项目中使用。 我们抓到你了!

35 贝斯镜头
20 拍手
10 次崩溃
30 踩镲
20 踢
30 打击乐
25 军鼓
20 下举机
20 影响
20 立管和提升器
20 个子动臂
25 次合成镜头
28 声乐镜头
循环 [150 – 155 BPM] 20 个大气压
50 个低音循环
10 鼓填充
30 个鼓循环 [带有 60 个 STEM] 10 个鼓轮
50 个旋律循环
5 个人声循环
100 个 MIDI 文件(低音和旋律循环)
30 个血清预设(贝斯、FX、主音、打击垫、拨弦、合成器)
总大小:743 MB


This pack is an all-out assault on the senses.
Deathstep Essentials 2 is grinding metal, ridiculously insane bass, super heavy drums, vicious vocal samples and an all-out assault on the senses. It’s also the heaviest follow-up to any series we currently have in our library of sound packs. So strap in, buckle up and kiss your loved ones goodbye. This is a one way ticket to MOAR!

Featuring 7 categories of loops, 5 categories of one-shot samples, 5 categories of MIDI clips and 30 bonus Serum synth presets, Deathstep Essentials 2 is a one-stop shop for ear-splitting production greatness. Start with an inspiring loop and take that sound wherever you like with the corresponding one-shot sample in your favorite sampler.

With lots of fills, rolls, FX and vocal shots, it’s easy to keep the intensity up and the boredom down. And let’s not overlook the melodies. They’re the ideal juxtaposed partner for the face-melting bass synths. Talk about a one-two punch!

Get started producing super-heavy tracks now with Deathstep Essentials 2. And do it all with confidence, because all sounds in this and every other pack from Ghosthack are 100% royalty-free and cleared for use in your projects. We got you!

What You Will Find in This Pack
35 Bass Shots
20 Claps
10 Crashes
30 Hi-Hats
20 Kicks
30 Percussions
25 Snares
20 Downlifter
20 Impacts
20 Riser & Uplifter
20 Sub Booms
25 Synth Shots
28 Vocal Shots
LOOPS [150 – 155 BPM] 20 Atmospheres
50 Bass Loops
10 Drum Fills
30 Drum Loops [with 60 STEMs] 10 Drum Rolls
50 Melody Loops
5 Vocal Loops
100 MIDI Files (Bass & Melody Loops)
30 Serum Presets (Bass, FX, Lead, Pad, Pluck, Synth)
Total Files: 668
Total Size: 743 MB

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