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Ghosthack Future Rave Essentials Volume 2 MULTiFORMAT

P2P | 30 April 2023 | 830 MB

巨大的能量。 泵合成器。 传染性节拍。 这是 Future Rave Essentials 第 2 卷。包含制作强悍的俱乐部狂欢所需的一切,让派对持续到黎明之后,这是原始 Future Rave Essentials 系列的理想后续——红极一时!

Future Rave Essentials 2 的容量为 1.14GB,满载 7 个类别的 280 多个循环,外加 280 个一次性样本、120 个支持 MIDI 剪辑、两个综合歌曲构建工具包(带有更多样本和 MIDI!)和 30 个奖励 血清合成器预设! 有大量的声音可供演奏,并在此过程中获得大量灵感。

有了这个包,制作史诗般的 Future Rave 曲目将比以往任何时候都更加有趣和容易。 并且一定要查看该系列的第一卷! 它仍然与首次推出时一样相关和令人印象深刻。

这个包中的每个声音都是 100% 免版税的,并且可以在您的项目中使用! 因此,您可以自信地开始制作,因为您知道 Ghosthack 的声音可以为您的音乐加油。


Produce Inspiring Club Anthems Faster Than Ever Before
Huge energy. Pumping synths. Infectious beats. This is Future Rave Essentials Volume 2. Featuring everything you need to produce hard-hitting club bangers that will keep the party going to well beyond dawn, this is an ideal follow-up to the original Future Rave Essentials collection – a smash hit!

Weighing in at 1.14GB, Future Rave Essentials 2 is fully loaded with 280+ loops across 7 categories, plus 280 one-shot samples, 120 supporting MIDI clips, two comprehensive song construction kits (With even more samples and MIDI!) and 30 bonus Serum synth presets! That’s a ton of sounds to play with, and plenty of inspiration along the way.

With this pack, making epic Future Rave tracks is going to be a whole lot more fun and far easier than ever before. And be sure to check out the first volume in the series! It’s still just as relevant and impressive as it was when it was first introduced.

Every sound in this pack is 100% royalty-free and cleared for use in your projects! So you can go forth and produce with confidence, knowing you have Ghosthack sounds fueling your music.

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