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Ghosthack Old School Hip Hop WAV

P2P | 1 May 2023 | 952 MB

试着停在一个节拍上。 你根本做不到。
这就是您一直在寻找的 Old School Hop Hop。 真实的共鸣、强劲的律动和真正合法的声音,带有大量的沙砾。 在嘻哈世界中,没有多少样本包会让您认为每个文件都会产生坚实的节拍,但这个会。 重量为 952MB,没有一丝修饰,每个样本都是高质量的。 从美味的乙烯基裂纹和流畅的划痕到低沉的时髦节拍和深情的样本印章,这个关节的每一点都是金色的。

随着声音沉浸在历史中,OG 的影响使它成为有史以来最伟大的类型,并进入游戏中的所有其他类型。 作为粉丝,您会想放松一下并沉浸在 Old School Hip Hop 系列的无数瑰宝中,但创作令人难忘的作品的鼓舞人心的渴望每次都会胜出。

Old School Hip Hop 具有循环和单发、完全混合的音乐提示和分离的词干,是您开始敲出浸透在我们一生追逐的秘密酱汁中的深情节拍所需的一切。 这就像让一位经验丰富的制作人在您的位置开店,随时准备合作。

这是一个示例包,很可能最终会出现在您未来的所有项目中。 合集中的每一种声音都是 100% 免版税的,并且完全可以在您的作品中使用。 因此,您可以勇往直前,创造出真正伟大的东西,而不会受到任何阻碍。


Try to Stop at Just One Beat. You Simply Can’t.
THIS is the Old School Hop Hop you’ve been looking for. Authentic vibes, hard-hitting grooves and truly legit sounds, with a hefty dose of grit. There aren’t many sample packs in the hip hop world that make you think every file is going to lead to a solid beat, but this one will. Weighing in at 952MB, without an ounce of trim, every sample is quality. From the tasty vinyl crackles and fluid scratches to the low down funky beats and soulful sample chops, every last bit of this joint is gold.

With sounds soaked in history, the influence of the OGs that made this the greatest genre to ever make its way into every other genre in the game is on full display. As a fan, you’ll want to kick back and get lost in the countless gems of the Old School Hip Hop collection, but the inspirational itch to produce something memorable will win out every time.

Featuring loops and one-shots, full mix music cues and separated stems, Old School Hip Hop is all you need to start knocking out soulful beats drenched in that secret sauce we chase our whole lives. It’s like having an experienced producer set up shop in your place, ready to collaborate.

This is a sample pack that could very well end up being in all of your future projects. And every sound in the collection is 100% royalty-free and fully cleared for use in your work. So you can go forth and create something truly great without anything holding you back.

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