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Granular Textures 是 Foley 声音、乐器和 lo-fi 录音的集合,它们被输入到颗粒处理器中,以提供一组独特而多变的氛围,与它们的原始来源几乎没有相似之处。 吉他、钢琴、卡林巴琴和古筝等乐器经过充分利用、解剖、拉伸、重新采样和破坏,面目全非,成为鼓舞人心的颗粒景观,将在各种作品中找到它们的归宿。
无论您的项目需要坚韧、工业和反乌托邦的音景、超现实、科幻元素、扭曲的信号和传输、恐怖的音床、低沉的无人机还是实验性的噪音片段,Granular Textures 都是一个多功能的集合,它将作为一个伟大的声音资产,无论在哪个领域 你工作的多媒体。
Granular Textures is a collection of Foley sounds, instrumentals and lo-fi recordings which were fed into granular processors to deliver a set of unique and versatile atmospheres which bear little resemblance to their original source. Instruments such as guitar, piano, kalimba and zither have been exploited, dissected, stretched, resampled and mangled beyond all recognition and served up as inspiring grainscapes which will find their home in a variety of productions.
Whether your project calls for gritty, industrial and dystopian soundscapes, surreal, science fiction elements, twisted signals and transmissions, horror soundbeds, deep drones or experimental noise pieces, Granular Textures is a versatile collection which will serve as a great sonic asset, whatever field of multimedia you work in.
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40 files