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GoldWave 6.79 WIN

File size: 17 MB

GoldWave 是一款评价最高的综合性数字音频编辑器。 GoldWave 非常适合使用音频进行 CD 编辑、档案恢复、语音分析、广播和电视、Java 和网页、游戏或只是为了娱乐的人员。 您可以使用它制作各种内容,从精心设计的答录机消息到专业、高品质的 CD 音频内容。

观看实时视觉效果。 快进或快退时聆听音频。 更改播放速度,以全新的方式聆听音乐,或通过耳朵学习歌曲,或转录听写。

选择麦克风、线路输入、流音频或您听到的(环回)内置输入。 连接转盘来录制 LP、盒式录音机来录制磁带、接收器来录制广播,或者连接高端 USB 麦克风来录制您自己的音乐、演讲或报告。 设置计时器以在特定日期和时间开始录制。 当信号高于或低于给定电平时,使用电平激活录音自动继续和暂停录音。

包括剪切、复制、粘贴、修剪、替换和覆盖。 GoldWave 的快速虚拟编辑意味着您可以在几秒钟内对大型音频文件进行切片、切块和合并。 只需点击几下即可将歌曲混合和交叉淡入淡出。 组合播客、广播节目、PowerPoint 演示文稿的音频或舞蹈节目、花样滑冰、体操和健美操的音乐。

应用 40 多种不同的音频效果
使用均衡器调整低音或高音。 使用自动增益平衡音量水平。 使用 Voice Over 轻松淡入和淡出背景音乐。 使用 Censor 将脏话替换为嘟嘟声或其他声音。 添加回声、混响、镶边等等。 改变声音的音调或使其听起来机械,以实现独特的视频游戏扩展。 在处理效果之前实时预览效果。 大多数效果都包含常用设置的预设,因此您不必是音频专家。

使用降噪和爆音/咔嗒声过滤器来清理音频并消除嗡嗡声、嘶嘶声、爆裂声和咔嗒声。 使用频谱滤波器精确控制频率和音调。 消除偏移和长时间的沉默。

查看频谱图、条形图、波形、电平表和其他有用的图表。 立即查看录制和播放过程中的任何音频问题。 通过视觉隔离高音调的呜呜声或低沉的隆隆声,使过滤变得更加容易。 演示工程和数学概念,例如滤波器、傅立叶变换和信号处理。 分析人类语音、鸟鸣、鲸鱼鸣叫、发动机噪音和其他有趣的声音。


GoldWave is is a top rated, a comprehensive digital audio editor. GoldWave is ideal for people who work with audio for CD editing, archive restoration, speech analysis, radio and TV, Java and Web pages, games, or just for fun. You can use it to make everything from elaborate answering machine messages to professional, high quality CD audio content.

Play all your favourite songs
Watch real-time visuals. Listen to the audio while fast-forwarding or rewinding. Change the playback speed to hear your music in a whole new way, or to learn a song by ear, or transcribe dictation.

Record any source
Select the microphone, line-in, streaming audio or what you hear (loopback) built-in inputs. Connect a turntable to record LPs, a cassette deck to record tapes, a receiver to record radio, or a high-end USB microphone to record your own music, speeches, or reports. Set a timer to start recording at a certain day and time. Use level activated recording to continue and pause recording automatically whenever the signal is above or below a given level.

Edit audio with all the familiar commands
Includes Cut, Copy, Paste, Trim, Replace, and Overwrite. GoldWave’s fast virtual editing means you can slice, dice, and merge large audio files in seconds. Mix and Crossfade songs together with just a few clicks. Combine audio for podcasts, radio spots, PowerPoint presentations, or music for dance programs, figure skating, gymnastics, and aerobics.

Apply over 40 different audio effects
Adjust bass or treble with the Equalizer. Even out volume levels with Auto Gain. Easily fade in and out background music with Voice Over. Replace profanity with beeps or other sounds with Censor. Add echoes, reverbs, flangers, and much more. Change the pitch of your voice or make it sound mechanical for unique video game expansions. Preview effects real-time before processing them. Most effects include presets for commonly used settings so you don’t have to be an audio expert.

Remaster old vinyl or tape recordings
Use Noise Reduction and Pop/Click filters to clean up the audio and take out the buzz, hiss, crackle, and clicks. Use the Spectrum Filter for precise control over frequency and tone. Remove offsets and long silences.

Analyze audio with real-time visuals
View spectrograms, bar graphs, waveforms, level meters, and other useful graphs. Instantly see any audio problems during recording and playback. Isolate that high pitch whine or low rumble by sight, making filtering much easier. Demonstrate engineering and mathematical concepts, such as filters, Fourier transforms, and signal processing. Analyze human speech, bird song, whale song, engine noise, and other interesting sounds.



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