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Hit’n’Mix RipX DAW PRO 7.1.0 MacOS

TEAM HCiSO | 29 March 2024 | 953.14 MB

RipX DAW PRO 添加了屢獲殊榮的 Audioshop 工具和和聲編輯器,可實現最精确的音頻編輯,從而創建具有無限功能的 AI DAW。 還包括另外兩個面闆: 用于快速非破壞性清理音頻的修複; 和用于編寫自定義工具的 RipScripts。

RipX DAW PRO 配備了 RipX AI DAW 的所有功能,然後在工作流程中添加了先進的主幹清理和音頻處理工具,以便您可以創建最高質量的提取音頻,并以前所未有的細節水平調整/創建聲音 。 您可以将其視爲内置的 Izotope RX 套件。

RipX DAW PRO 添加了以下功能以及更多功能:
✓ 屢獲殊榮的 Audioshop® 工具可快速輕松地修複和清理錄音
✓ 無音調的音頻編輯器,用于清除音調聲音中的噪音
✓ 強大而獨特的和聲編輯器,實現終極聲音編輯
✓ RipScript 腳本語言用于構建和定制您自己的工具


Audioshop® 聲音處理工具:
✓ 強大而快速地調整音高、時間拉伸、複制和粘貼單個或一組音符、齒擦音和無音高的聲音。
✓ 編輯無音高工具顯示整個 Rip 從頂部到底部傳播的所有無音高聲音。 單擊并拖動以選擇未調高的聲音區域并對其進行編輯。
✓ 使用“繪制聲音”工具将音符、鼓和樣本繪制到您的 rip 上。
✓ 使用拆分工具将筆記剪切成多個部分以供進一步編輯。
✓ 使用連接工具将筆記拼湊在一起,以便作爲一個整體進行編輯。
✓ 克隆特征,例如音高變化(例如顫音)、聲音(音色與音量)以及從一個音符到另一個音符的平移,例如使用克隆工具複制真實樂器演奏家的演奏風格。
✓ 使用“繪制音調”工具,隻需單擊并拖動即可進行精細音調調整和滑動。
✓ 使用“應用模式”工具向音符添加音高、共振峰、音量和平移的波動。
✓ 通過使用“平滑區域”工具單擊并拖動音符,将音符的音高、共振峰、音色、音量和/或立體聲平移混合在一起。

這不是基本的頻譜編輯器 – 這些是描述音符聲音的實際諧波,諧波編輯器可以完全控制它們。




•macOS 10.12 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或Intel Core 處理器


RipX DAW PRO adds the award-winning Audioshop tools and Harmonic Editor for the most precise audio editing available to create an AI DAW with unlimited capabilities. Two further panels are also included: Repair for quickly cleaning up audio non-destructively; and RipScripts for writing custom tools.

RipX DAW PRO comes with all of the features of the RipX AI DAW, and then adds advanced stem clean-up and audio manipulation tools to the workflow so you can create the highest quality extracted audio, and tweak / create sound at unprecedented levels of detail. Think of it like a built-in Izotope RX suite.

RipX DAW PRO adds the following features and much more:
✓ Award-winning Audioshop® tools for fixing and cleaning up recordings quickly and easily
✓ Unpitched audio editor for cleaning up noise separately from pitched sounds
✓ The powerful and unique Harmonic Editor for the ultimate in sound editing
✓ RipScript scripting language for building and customizing your own tools

Experience unprecedented control over notes, harmonics and unpitched sound, all in a powerful and easy-to-use click & drag interface.

Audioshop® Sound Manipulation Tools:
✓ Powerfully & quickly adjust pitch, time-stretch, copy and paste individual or groups of notes, sibilants and unpitched sounds.
✓ Edit Unpitched tool displays all unpitched sound spread over the entire Rip, from its top to its bottom. Click & drag to select a region of unpitched sound and edit it.
✓ Draw notes, drums and samples onto your rip with the Draw Sound tool.
✓ Use the Split tool to cut notes into sections for further editing.
✓ Piece together notes so you can edit as one, with the Join tool.
✓ Clone characteristics such as pitch variation (e.g. vibrato), sound (timbre with volume) & panning from one note to another, for example to duplicate a real instrumentalist’s playing style, with the Clone tool.
✓ Make fine pitch adjustments and slides simply by clicking and dragging, with the Draw Pitch tool.
✓ Add fluctuations in pitch, formant, volume, and panning to notes, using the Apply Pattern tool.
✓ Blend together the pitch, formant, timbre, volume and/or stereo panning of notes by clicking & dragging over them, with the Smooth Region tool.

Harmonic Editor
This is no basic spectrum editor – these are the actual harmonics that describe the sound of a note, and Harmonic Editor allows complete control over them.

Perfect for removing noise, adjusting timbre and creating interesting new sounds.

Clean & Repair Audio
Live audio repair and clean-up features for removing background noise, limiting foreground artifacts, reducing tones & hum, and purifying pitched and unpitched sounds.

Adjust overtone levels in notes and even regenerate fundamental harmonics, to bring back bass presence in vocals and instruments, lost during mixing & mastering.

Supported Operation System:
• macOS 10.12 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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