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Hy2rogen Deep House Session MULTiFORMAT

6th May 2023 | MULTiFORMAT | 3.1 GB

HY2ROGEN 带着超过 4 GB 的音乐灵感在这个最新的声音系列中呼吸着夏日的气息,从放松的地方获取,这个迟到已久的 deep house 图书馆与所有最新的全球趋势保持同步。

最初是一个 house 吉他样本包,后来变成了包含 50 个构建工具包的广泛内容,作为多内容循环,展示了具有热带、旋律和前卫氛围元素的 deep house 音乐的多种风味。 由此产生的声音和谐地平衡了这个单一包中的所有影响。

具有作为此包核心的令人耳目一新的喜怒无常的吉他,超豪华和现场人声斩波循环,可与您扔给他们的任何东西一起工作的坚实鼓声,强制音效,增加运动的基本贝斯线 到低端并将它们结合在一起,一直到各种类型的状态改变合成器声音(琶音、拨弦、刺),这些声音完美地补充了吉他循环、其他乐器循环(马林巴、钢琴、铃铛、弦乐)、顶级鼓 循环、自定义打击乐循环加上单独的振动器、拍手、军鼓、按扣、帽子和底鼓循环来创建您自己的凹槽。

为了更深入地了解细节,您会发现这个样本包的内容分布在 4 个主要文件夹 WAV、MIDI、Synth Presets 和 Sampler Patches 中。 重要的 WAV 文件夹包含 15 个内容文件夹,其中包含单次击鼓、贝司循环、拍手和军鼓循环、组合循环、效果器、吉他循环、帽子循环、乐器循环、底鼓循环、打击乐循环、振动器循环、合成器循环、 顶部循环和人声循环。

Synth Presets 文件夹也很重要,因为它包含借助包含的贝斯、乐器和合成器的 Serum 预设来改变此样本包中呈现的声音的途径。 还包含 MIDI 文件以与预设结合使用,并使这些想法真正属于您自己。

你得到的是 4.16 GB 的内容,分为 15 个主要文件夹,其中包含 1,400 多个 WAV 文件、MIDI 文件、EXS、Kontakt 和 Halion 的采样器补丁,以及一组 Xfer Serum 预设。 在适用的情况下,一切都是关键和速度标记 (120 BPM)。 音频文件以 24 位/44.1kHz 质量提供。 循环已导出 8 小节长度,并在适用的情况下提供干式和湿式版本。

4.16 GB24 位/44.1kHz1,844 文件总数1,481 WAV 文件50 Track-Starters8-Bar Long LoopsDry & Wet Versions33 Sampler Patches (EXS, Kontakt, Halion)167 MIDI Files163 Xfer Serum Presets505 Total One-Shots100 Bass & Sub Loops (Dry 和湿)36 鼓掌和小军鼓循环 50 全组合混音循环 51 音效 100 吉他循环(干和湿)56 帽子循环 35 乐器循环(干和湿)50 底鼓循环 70 打击乐器循环 48 振动器循环 52 Snap 循环 202 合成器循环(干和湿)26 顶部循环 100 人声循环(干和湿)


Breathing summer vibes in this latest sound collection, HY2ROGEN returns with over 4 GB of musical inspiration, taken from a place of relaxation, this long overdue deep house library is right up to date with all the latest global trends.

What initially started as a house guitar sample pack turned into a vast spread of content that embodies 50 construction kits served up as multi-content loops that display multiple flavours of deep house music with elements of tropical, melodic, and progressive vibes. The resulting sounds harmoniously balance all influences into this single package.

Featuring ear-melting moody guitars that are at the core of this pack, ultra-posh and on-the-spot vocal chop loops, solid drum shots that will work with anything you throw at them, mandatory sound effects, essential basslines that add movement to the low-end and tie things together, all the way to various types of state altering synth sounds (arps, plucks, stabs) that perfectly complement the guitar loops, other instrument loops (marimbas, pianos, bells, strings), top drum loops, custom percussion loops plus individual shakers, claps, snares, snaps, hats, and kick loops to create your own grooves.

To get even deeper into details, you will find the content of this sample pack delivered across 4 main folders WAV, MIDI, Synth Presets, and Sampler Patches. The vital WAV folder holds 15 content folders filled with drum hit one-shots, bass loops, clap & snare loops, combi loops, effects, guitar loops, hat loops, instrument loops, kick loops, percussion loops, shaker loops, synth loops, top loops, and vocal loops.

The Synth Presets folder is also important because it contains the pathway to alter the sounds presented in this sample pack with the aid of the included Serum presets for basslines, instruments, and synths. MIDI files have also been included to work in conjunction with the presets and make these ideas truly your own.

What you get is 4.16 GB of content broken down into 15 main folders that hold over 1,400 WAV files, MIDI files, sampler patches for EXS, Kontakt, and Halion, as well as a set of Xfer Serum presets. Everything is key and tempo-labelled (120 BPM) where applicable. The audio files are delivered in 24-bit/44.1kHz quality. The loops have been exported 8-bars in length with dry and wet versions where applicable.

4.16 GB24-Bit/44.1kHz1,844 Total Files1,481 WAV Files50 Track-Starters8-Bar Long LoopsDry & Wet Versions33 Sampler Patches (EXS, Kontakt, Halion)167 MIDI Files163 Xfer Serum Presets505 Total One-Shots100 Bass & Sub Loops (Dry & Wet)36 Clap & Snare Loops50 Full Combi Mix Loops51 Sound Effects100 Guitar Loops (Dry & Wet)56 Hat Loops35 Instrument Loops (Dry & Wet)50 Kick Loops70 Percussion Loops48 Shaker Loops52 Snap Loops202 Synth Loops (Dry & Wet)26 Top Loops100 Vocal Loops (Dry & Wet)

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