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Hy2rogen HY2ROGEN: Tech House Weapons MULTiFORMAT-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 02 June 2023 | 791.54 MB

我们很高兴展示我们最新的令人瞠目结舌的样本包,这些样本包经过精心烹制,成为提供多种 Tech House 风味的肮脏的声音自助餐,欢迎来到 Tech House Weapons。

准备好享受令人耳目一新的体验,同时我们将在音频演示的帮助下通过我们的 30 首曲目引导您,这些曲目旨在为您的技术音乐制作提供涡轮增压,并提供各种俏皮的鼓舞人心的元素。 从干净利落的 tech-house 经典 bangers 和前卫的科技氛围到 deep-house 腌制凹槽,这个系列的设计考虑了 KREAM、Mark Knight、Fisher、Gorgon City、Diplo、James Hype、Acraze 等超级巨星 , 为了制定另一个重要的样本集合。 构建工具包充当多内容循环,还有什么比这更好的呢?

带有 1.29 GB 饱和和松脆的鼓循环,分解到最后一个元素,子摇摆和精心雕刻的低音循环,产生张力和鸡皮疙瘩的 Reese 样垫,诱人的人声循环,从口语小插曲, house diva hooks,切碎的旋律主线,现场合成器循环,由刺、拨弦、乐器和各种能量驱动的好东西组成,基本效果包括低频振荡器、反向、降档器、立管、乙烯基噪音循环,以及许多其他 秘密拖放准备好东西!

这个原始集合标配 19 个多内容文件夹(加法器顶部循环、低音循环、拍手循环、旋律组合循环、鼓填充、完整鼓循环、FX 循环、帽子循环、乐器循环、底鼓循环、单发、 pad 循环、打击乐循环、ride 循环、振动器和手鼓循环、小军鼓循环、合成器循环、顶部循环和人声循环)以及 Serum 合成器预设和 MIDI 文件,它们将有助于自定义这些想法,同时将它们变成完全开发的曲目。

总共多达 1,048 个 WAV 文件、38 个 MIDI 文件、33 个采样器音色和 56 个 Xfer Serum 预设。 查看下面的规格以了解更多详细信息。 在适用的情况下,一切都是关键和节奏标签。 所有音频文件均以 24 位/44.1kHz 的质量提供。 内容的长度在 4-8 小节之间,在适用的情况下同时导出干式和湿式,因为这是我们多年来的传统,我们认为它为更大的灵活性打开了大门。

请注意:音频演示已经过处理,声音响亮、压缩且均匀。 单个声音不包含相同级别的繁重处理,并且尽可能保持干净以找到进入任何项目的方式。 音频演示中出现的所有声音都可以在这个样本包中找到。



本网站/页面上对任何品牌的任何引用,包括对品牌和仪器的引用,仅供说明之用。 例如,提供了对乐器品牌的引用来描述乐器的声音和/或样本中使用的乐器。 Loopmasters 与这些品牌没有任何关联或认可(他们也没有声称)。 与这些品牌相关的任何商誉都归品牌所有者所有。 Loopmasters 或其供应商不对样本内容或描述的准确性承担任何责任。 “RHODES”是 Joseph A Brandstetter 的注册商标。


• 1.29 GB
• 24 位/44.1kHz
• 1,175 个总文件
• 总共 1,048 个 WAV 文件
• 56 个 Xfer 血清预设
• 38 个 MIDI 文件
• 33 个采样器补丁(EXS、Kontakt、Halion)
• 4-8 杆长度
• 干湿版本
• 30 个旋律组合循环
• 总共 425 次单发
• 84 个人声循环
• 65 个帽环
• 60 个完整的鼓循环
• 60 个顶级循环
• 46 个打击乐循环
• 45 个合成循环
• 40 个加法器顶部循环
• 39 个拍手循环
• 37 种音效
• 31 个低音循环
• 30 个踢圈
• 15 个乐器循环
• 13 个循环骑行
• 10 个打击垫循环
• 8 个军鼓循环
• 6 个摇床和铃鼓循环


We are thrilled to show off our latest jaw-dropping sample pack, meticulously cooked up as a filthy buffet of sound that offers multiple tech-house flavours, welcome to Tech House Weapons.

Get ready for an ear-melting experience while we guide you with the help of the audio demo through our 30 track-starters, fabricated to turbocharge your tech-house music production and offer all kinds of saucy inspirational elements. From clean-cut tech-house classic bangers and progressive tech vibes to deep-house marinated grooves, this collection has been thought up with superstars in mind like KREAM, Mark Knight, Fisher, Gorgon City, Diplo, James Hype, Acraze, and others, in order to formulate another essential sample collection. Construction kits served up as multi-content loops, what could be better?

With 1.29 GB of saturated and crunchy drum loops, broken down to the very last element, sub-rocking, and nicely sculpted bass loops, tension-making and goosebumps-inducing Reese-like pads, alluring vocal loops, ranging from spoken vocal vignettes, house diva hooks, to chopped melodic toplines, on the spot synth loops, comprised of stabs, plucks, instruments, and all kinds of energy-driving goodies, essential effects including LFOs, reverses, downshifters, risers, vinyl noise loops, plus many other secret drag & drop-ready goodies!

This pristine collection comes as standard with 19 multi-content folders (adder top loops, bass loops, clap loops, melodic combi loops, drum fills, full drum loops, FX loops, hat loops, instrument loops, kick loops, one-shots, pad loops, percussion loops, ride loops, shaker & tambourine loops, snare loops, synth loops, top loops, and vocal loops) along with Serum synth presets and MIDI files that will aid in customising these ideas while turning them into fully developed tracks.

Totalling up to 1,048 WAV files, 38 MIDI files, 33 sampler patches, and 56 Xfer Serum presets. Check out the specifications below for further details. Everything is key and tempo-labelled where applicable. All audio files are delivered at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz. The content has been exported between 4-8 bars in length, alongside both dry & wet exports where applicable, as this has been our tradition for many years, and we think it keeps the door open for more flexibility.

Please note: the audio demo has been processed to sound loud, compressed, and uniform. The individual sounds do not contain the same level of heavy processing and have been left as clean as possible to find their way into any project. All the sounds presented in the audio demo are available in this sample pack.


Work smarter, make music faster!

Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. “RHODES” is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.

Product Details:

• 1.29 GB
• 24-Bit / 44.1kHz
• 1,175 Total Files
• 1,048 Total WAV Files
• 56 Xfer Serum Presets
• 38 MIDI Files
• 33 Sampler Patches (EXS, Kontakt, Halion)
• 4-8 Bar Lengths
• Dry & Wet Versions
• 30 Melodic Combi Loops
• 425 Total One-Shots
• 84 Vocal Loops
• 65 Hat Loops
• 60 Full Drum Loops
• 60 Top Loops
• 46 Percussion Loops
• 45 Synth Loops
• 40 Adder Top Loops
• 39 Clap Loops
• 37 Sound Effects
• 31 Bass Loops
• 30 Kick Loops
• 15 Instrument Loops
• 13 Ride Loops
• 10 Pad Loops
• 8 Snare Loops
• 6 Shaker & Tambourine Loops

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