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Hy2rogen Hypnotic Techno MULTi-FORMAT-DISCOVER

DISCOVER | 05/October/2021 | 964MB

转向更快的音景,HY2ROGEN 很高兴进入地下坑并炸毁一个名为 Hypnotic Techno 的全新样本包,作为 1GB 充满灵感的材料来构建那些令人汗流浃背的轨道。

这个新版本充满了重复的催眠律动,有助于我们目录的声音扩展,并受到了这一流派的受人尊敬的老手的影响,包括但不限于:Adam Beyer、Umek、Pan Pot、Thomas Schumacher、Pig&Dan、Rebuke、ANNA , Sharam, Adriatique, 等

探索背包的内脏,您将看到从强制基础构建器开始的各种循环 – 大厅踢腿和隆隆循环(按顺序排列的背景凹槽)。这些最好的伴奏也包括在内,以拍手、打击乐、骑行和顶部循环的形式来完成节奏部分。接下来,我们有迷人的酸循环、脉动和低端填充低音循环、无人机和音调作为环境循环,当然还有奇怪声音方面的皇冠上的宝石,合成器循环。

额外的文件夹包括鼓点(充满踢和拍手)、基本效果,当然还有补充人声循环以增加气氛。我们将所有这些好东西相互配合并与包内的多个循环相结合,在产生新的变化和帮助创建下一个 techno 火轨方面有大量的可能性。

内容以 14 个主要文件夹的形式提供(酸循环、氛围循环、低音循环、拍手循环、鼓点、fx、底鼓循环、打击乐循环、混响底鼓、骑行循环、隆隆声循环、合成器循环、顶部循环、人声循环) .您还有 2 个额外的文件夹(MIDI 和 Sampler Patch)。大部分内容以 4-8 小节的长度提供。酸、贝斯和合成器循环在末尾带有一个额外的小节,用于捕捉混响/延迟/释放尾音,以便更好地集成到您的项目中。我们在适用的情况下包含了用于低音和合成器循环的 MIDI 文件。

你得到的是 1GB 的内容,分为: 509 个文件,包括 465 个 WAV 文件(30 个酸循环、30 个环境循环、30 个低音循环、30 个拍手循环、80 个鼓点循环、30 个效果、30 个底鼓循环、30 个打击乐循环) 、30 个混响踢、20 个骑行循环、50 个隆隆声循环、30 个合成器循环、25 个顶部循环、20 个人声循环)、6 个采样器补丁(EXS24、Kontakt、Halion)和 38 个 MIDI 文件。一切都是关键和节奏标记 (135 BPM) 并作为 24 位 44.1Khz WAV 文件交付。


……:::::: 产品规格 ::::::……
• 格式:(多格式)
• 030 x 酸循环
• 030 x 环境循环
• 030 x 低音循环
• 030 x 拍手循环
• 080 x 鼓点
• 030 x 效果
• 030 x Kick Loops
• 030 x 打击乐循环
• 030 x 混响踢
• 020 x 骑行环
• 050 x 隆隆声循环
• 030 x 合成器循环
• 025 x 顶部循环
• 020 x 人声循环
• 006 x 软采样器补丁(Halion – EXS-24 – Kontakt)
• 465 x (.WAVs) 文件
• 038 x (.MIDI) 文件
• 总共 509 个文件
• 4-8 条长线出口
• 关键和节奏标签
• 44.1kHz/24 位高品质
• 完成完全混音和母带
• 兼容所有 DAW
• PC 和 Mac 兼容
• 100% 免版税


Moving over to faster soundscapes, HY2ROGEN is delighted to get down to the underground pits and blast a brand new sample pack titled Hypnotic Techno, served up as 1GB of materials filled with inspiration to build those sweat inducing tracks.

Jam-packed with repetitive hypnotic grooves this new release aids in the sonic expansion of our catalog and has been influenced by respectable veterans of this genre including but not limited to: Adam Beyer, Umek, Pan Pot, Thomas Schumacher, Pig&Dan, Rebuke, ANNA, Sharam, Adriatique, etc.

Exploring the pack’s intestines you will be presented with a wide range of loops starting off with the mandatory base builders – the hall kicks and rumble loops (sequenced background grooves). The best companions for these are also included and come as clap, percussion, ride and top loops to complete the rhythm section. Next in line we have the mesmerizing acid loops, pulsating and low end filling bass loops, drones and tones as ambience loops and of course the jewel in the crown in terms of weird sounds, the synth loops.

Extra folders include drum hits (filled with kick and clap one shots), essential effects and of course complementing vocal loops for a plus in atmosphere. All of these goodies we’re made to fit each other and combine with multiple loops inside the pack, having tons of possibilities in generating new variations and aiding in the creation of your next techno fire track.

The content is delivered as 14 main folders (acid loops, ambience loops, bass loops, clap loops, drum hits, fx, kick loops, percussion loops, reverb kicks, ride loops, rumble loops, synth loops. top loops, vocal loops). You also have 2 additional folders (MIDI and Sampler Patches). The majority of the content is delivered as 4-8 bars long. The acid, bass and synth loops come with one extra bar at the end to catch the reverb/delay/release tails to allow a better integration in your projects. We have included MIDI files for the bass and synth loops where applicable.

What you get is 1GB of content broken down into: 509 total files consisting of 465 WAV files (30 acid loops, 30 ambience loops, 30 bass loops, 30 clap loops, 80 drum hits, 30 effects, 30 kick loops, 30 percussion loops, 30 reverb kicks, 20 ride loops, 50 rumble loops, 30 synth loops, 25 top loops, 20 vocal loops), 6 sampler patches (EXS24, Kontakt, Halion) and 38 MIDI files. Everything is key and tempo labeled (135 BPM) and delivered as 24bit 44.1Khz WAV files.

All of the sounds presented in the audio demos are available in this sample pack. Separate download folders can also be purchased. Don’t let the demos fool you as there’s so much more valuable content inside.

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: (MULTi-FORMAT)
• 030 x Acid Loops
• 030 x Ambience Loops
• 030 x Bass Loops
• 030 x Clap Loops
• 080 x Drum Hits
• 030 x Effects
• 030 x Kick Loops
• 030 x Percussion Loops
• 030 x Reverb Kicks
• 020 x Ride Loops
• 050 x Rumble Loops
• 030 x Synth Loops
• 025 x Top Loops
• 020 x Vocal Loops
• 006 x Soft Sampler Patches For (Halion – EXS-24 – Kontakt)
• 465 x (.WAVs) Files
• 038 x (.MIDIs) Files
• 509 x Files In Total
• 4-8 Bars Long Exports
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
• Complete Fully Mixed And Mastered
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible
• 100% Royalty-Free

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