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Ilyxo x Zeto Hardhat (COD & War Multi Kit ) [Deluxe] MULTiFORMAT-TECHNiA

TECHNiA | 22 August 2024 | 1.3 GB

•神与战争特效:50+ sfx采样从使命召唤和更多的介绍战争sfx为您的电影介绍
•10 +循环/ midis为你们所有人使用/w标签




This kit includes :
• 55 fully custom 808s and most used 808s from me and zeto for cod and war beats
• Cinematic movie sfx kit : which in includes 100+ of my fav sounds for cinematic intros
• Cod & war sfx : 50+ sfx sampled from call of duty and more Intro war sfx for your cinematic intros
• 100+ of me and zetos favorite portal presets mainly for the war genre
• A full oneshot kit full of 100+ sounds including brass , strings , arps , glitches and more.
• 100+ serum presets that I use in almost all of my cod / war beats
• 10 plus loops / midis for y’all to use /w tags
• 150 zombies & glitch effects for your intros and even in ur beats
• War drums and transitions folder which will include war drums to make unique war drum loops , risers , and transitions to make ur war beats truly unique
• 4 educational flps for education only on how I make war beats

Plus so much more , 2GB full of fully custom / rare sounds specifically for war / cod beats

(Shout out to glorytee and Phoenix for the inspo for this kit and genre that we have built off of , they are the creators of the war / cod beats )

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