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Image Sounds 70s Guitar 2 WAV

WAV | 44,1 kHz / 24 bits – 904 MB

70 年代吉他循环样本集合是一个独特而强大的复古吉他样本集合,用于流行和摇滚音乐制作。 该合集包含 20 世纪 70 年代录制的各种吉他连复段、乐段和乐句。 它捕捉了这个黄金时代的精髓,并为您的音乐制作提供了多功能工具包。 每个样本都经过仔细录制和处理,以保留那个时代使用的吉他的独特特征和音调。 从 Les Paul 温暖而深情的声音到 Stratocaster 清脆而有力的音色,这个系列涵盖了 70 年代所有基本的吉他声音。

无论您是制作人、作曲家还是吉他手,70 年代吉他 Riffs 样本合集都是希望为流行和摇滚音乐增添复古魅力的人的完美选择。 这些样本适合各种流派,从经典摇滚到强力流行音乐,将帮助您为您的音乐增添一抹经典的 70 年代氛围。 立即获取 70 年代吉他样本集,开始将这些永恒的吉他声音融入您的流行和摇滚作品中! 凭借其高品质的样本和广泛的风格,该合集对于任何想要为音乐添加古典吉他魔力的人来说都是必不可少的工具。

每个吉他文件夹中都有大量不同的循环可供选择。 您可以为整首歌曲选择吉他循环,也可以仅为歌曲的样本选择。 这些循环使用起来简单直观,可实现快速的工作流程,这在音乐制作中至关重要。

录音和声音设计均采用专业级录音设备进行,以捕捉每种声音的巨大亲密感。 您不仅会对参考级质量感到震惊,还会对样品的多样性及其处理质量感到震惊。 每个循环都包含节奏和关键信息。 它们已预先混合并可供使用,具有完美的均衡器和轻压缩。 它们由久经考验的专家使用顶级录音室设备精心、专业地录制,声音经过优化并以 24 位和 44.1 KHz 录制。

– 994 MB
– 553 个吉他循环
– 速度同步和根键标记
– 85 BPM – 165 BPM
– 100% 免版税
– 格式:WAV
– 24 位和 44.1 Khz


The 70s Guitar Loop Sample Collection is a unique and powerful collection of vintage guitar samples for pop and rock music production. This collection contains a wide variety of guitar riffs, licks and phrases recorded in the 1970s. It captures the essence of this golden era and provides you with a versatile toolkit for your music production. Each sample has been carefully recorded and processed to preserve the distinctive character and tonality of the guitars used in that era. From the warm and soulful sound of a Les Paul to the crisp and punchy tone of a Stratocaster, this collection covers all the essential guitar sounds of the ’70s.

Whether you’re a producer, composer or guitarist, the 70s Guitar Riffs Sample Collection is the perfect choice for anyone looking to add a touch of vintage charm to their pop and rock music. Suitable for a wide range of genres, from classic rock to power pop, these samples will help you add a touch of classic 70s vibe to your music. Get the 70s Guitar Sample Collection today and start incorporating these timeless guitar sounds into your pop and rock productions! With its high quality samples and wide range of styles, this collection is an essential tool for anyone looking to add a touch of classic guitar magic to their music.

With each guitar folder, you get a huge selection of different loops. You can choose guitar loops for an entire song or just a sample for your song. These loops are easy and intuitive to work with, allowing for a fast workflow, which is essential in music production.

The recordings and sound designs are made with professional-grade recording equipment to capture a tremendous closeness of each sound. You will be blown away by not only the reference-level quality but also by the variety of samples and the quality of their processing. Each and every loop contains tempo and key information. They are pre-mixed and ready to use, with perfect EQ and light compression. They have been carefully and professionally recorded by proven experts, using top quality studio equipment, with sound optimized and recorded in 24Bit and 44.1 KHz.

– 994 MB
– 553 Guitar Loops
– Tempo-synced & root key labeled
– 85 BPM – 165 BPM
– 100% Royalty Free
– Format: WAV
– 24 Bit & 44.1 Khz

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