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Image Sounds Indie And Folk Guitar Vol.2 WAV

WAV | 44,1 kHz / 24 bits – 1,93 GB

使用 Indie & Folk Guitar Vol.2 提升您的音乐作品,这是时尚吉他重复段的权威组合,将您的音乐推向新的高度。 这个包包含 2.2 GB 的现场录制的优点,具有 570 个高质量的吉他循环,涵盖了广泛的乐器,包括原声吉他、电吉他、曼陀林、班卓琴和四弦琴。 从冷静和悠闲的弹奏到欢快和充满活力的选曲,这个包让你涵盖了从 80 BPM 到 145 BPM 的节奏。 通过每个循环速度同步和根键标记,您可以快速轻松地将它们集成到您的音乐项目中。
Indie & Folk Guitar Vol.2 附带 100% 免版税许可,让您可以自由地在曲目中使用循环,而无需担心任何法律问题。 因此,无论您是经验丰富的专业人士还是刚刚起步,对于任何希望在音乐中注入新鲜酷吉他声音的音乐家来说,这个包都是必不可少的工具。
你将有机会进入一个充满可能性和无尽灵感的世界。 那么,当您可以拥有 Indie & Folk Guitar Vol.2 时,为什么还要满足于普通吉他循环呢? 准备好释放您的创造力,让您的音乐更上一层楼!

对于每个 Guitar 文件夹,您都可以轻松获得各种不同的循环。 您可以选择适合整首歌曲的循环,或使用样本为您自己的作品增添风味。 这些循环易于使用且易于使用,可实现快速的工作流程,这在音乐制作中至关重要。

录音和声音设计采用专业级录音设备制作,以捕捉每个声音的巨大接近度。 您不仅会被参考水平的质量所震撼,还会被样品的多样性及其处理质量所震撼。 每个循环都包含速度和关键信息。 它们经过预混,随时可用,具有完美的 EQ 和轻度压缩。 它们由久经考验的专家使用顶级录音室设备进行了仔细和专业的录制。

– 2,2 GB
– 570 个现场演奏的吉他乐段
– 80 BPM – 145 BPM
– 速度同步和根键标记
– 100% 免版税


Elevate your music production with Indie & Folk Guitar Vol.2, the definitive assemblage of trendy guitar riffs that will propel your music to new heights. Packed with 2.2 GB of live-recorded goodness, this pack features 570 high-quality guitar loops that cover a wide range of instruments, including the acoustic guitar, electric guitar, mandolin, banjo, and ukulele. From chill and laid-back strums to upbeat and energetic pickings, this pack has got you covered with tempos ranging from 80 BPM to 145 BPM. And with each loop tempo-synced and root key labeled, you can quickly and effortlessly integrate them into your music projects.
Indie & Folk Guitar Vol.2 comes with 100% royalty-free licensing, giving you the freedom to use the loops in your tracks without any legal worries. So whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this pack is an essential tool for any musician looking to inject some fresh and cool guitar sounds into their music.
You’ll have access to a world of possibilities and endless inspiration. So why settle for average guitar loops when you can have the Indie & Folk Guitar Vol.2? Get ready to unleash your creativity and take your music to the next level!

With each Guitar folder, you’ll have a wide range of different loops at your fingertips. You can select loops to fit an entire song or use a sample to add flavour to your own production. These loops are easy to use and straightforward to work with, allowing for a fast workflow, which is crucial in music production.

The recordings and sound designs are made with professional-grade recording equipment to capture a tremendous closeness of each sound. You will be blown away by not only the reference-level quality but also by the variety of samples and the quality of their processing. Each and every loop contains tempo and key information. They are pre-mixed and ready to use, with perfect EQ and light compression. They have been carefully and professionally recorded by proven experts, using top-quality studio equipment.

– 2,2 GB
– 570 Live Played Guitar Loops
– 80 BPM – 145 BPM
– Tempo-synced & root key labeled
– 100% Royalty Free

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