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Image Sounds Pro Drums Funk WAV

WAV | 44,1 kHz / 24 bits – 10 GB

Pro Drums Funk – 多轨鼓录音
您一直想与他一起即兴演奏的鼓手!如果您正在寻找强大的多轨放克鼓循环,这个凹槽和填充的集合一定会激发您的灵感。有力而开放的鼓样本有多种速度、风格和拍号可供选择。这些鼓舞人心的鼓表演以高品质音频录制,具有首屈一指的丰富饱满的声音。无论是作为音轨的引擎还是混音的微妙补充,没有什么能像胖放克鼓一样让你的节奏变大!您可以指望 Pro Drums Funk 成为您任何作品的支柱。

所有的鼓都由 Stephan Emig 演奏,并在传奇的 Horus 录音室 Recording Rooms A 和 B 录制。
录音室 A 具有传统温暖的复古声音。它的不同表面范围从砖到玻璃和木材,非常适合温暖的鼓。

录音室 B 体验了鼓的力量。专为此目的而建,其开放而有力的声音为无数摇滚唱片注入了灵魂和灵魂。
主控室配备 48 通道 ADT 内联调音台、Studer A 827 24 轨录音机,以及来自 Universal Audio、Crane Song、Avalon、Manley、Summit Audio、Lexicon、和黄昏。

这些循环由久经考验的专家使用顶级录音棚设备仔细和专业地录制,声音经过优化并以 24 位/44.1 kHz 录制。每个 BPM / 文件夹由几个鼓槽和填充组成,并包含一个混合立体声鼓循环、预混组和所有单独的轨道作为干音版本,包括底鼓 / 输出、军鼓底 / 顶、踩镲、汤姆斯、骑行、碰撞、开销和房间麦克风。它们经过预混并可以立即使用,具有完美的 EQ 和轻度压缩。每个循环都包含速度信息。



Pro Drums Funk – Multitrack Drum Recordings
The drummer you always wanted to jam with! If you are looking for powerful multitrack funk drum loops, this collection of grooves and fill-ins is sure to inspire you. The punchy yet open-sounding drum samples are available in a variety of tempos, styles and time signatures. Recorded in high quality audio, these inspiring drum performances have a rich and fat sound that is second to none. Whether as the engine of your track or a subtle addition to your mix, nothing can turn up your groove like fat funk drums! You can count on Pro Drums Funk to be the backbone of any of your productions.

All drums were played by Stephan Emig and recorded at the legendary Horus recording studio Recording Rooms A and B.
Recording Room A features a traditional warm vintage sound. Its different surfaces range from brick to glass and wood-perfect for warm drums.

The power of drums is experienced in Recording Room B. Built especially for this purpose, its open and punchy sound gave heart and soul to countless rock records.
The main control room features a 48-channel ADT inline console, a Studer A 827 24-track tape deck, and an exquisite collection of classic outboard gear from such companies as Universal Audio, Crane Song, Avalon, Manley, Summit Audio, Lexicon, and Eventide.

The Structure:
These loops have been carefully and professionally recorded by proven experts, using top quality studio equipment, with sound optimized and recorded at 24-bits/44.1 kHz. Each BPM / folder consists of several drum grooves and fills and contains a mixed stereo drum loop, premixed groups, and all individual tracks as a dry version, including kick in/out, snare bottom/top, hi-hats, toms, ride, crash, overheads, and room microphones. They are premixed and ready to use, with perfect EQ and light compression. Every loop contains tempo information.

With each drum performance you get a huge selection of different loops, all of which work well together or can be used individually. All loops of a drum performance can easily be combined. Select loops for a complete song or just use a sample for your song – all within seconds. These loops are easy and intuitive to work with, enabling a fast workflow, which, of course, is essential in music production.

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