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Immense Sounds Synthwave Command Force Spire Bank-Keyo

Keyo | 14 June 2024 | 648 MB

“Synthwave Command Force For Spire”由巨大的声音具有杰出的128个命名的Spire预设和五个演示套件,包括FL工作室模板,MIDI多轨和系统。

“Synthwave Command Force For Spire”由巨大的声音具有杰出的128个命名的Spire预设和五个演示套件,包括FL工作室模板,MIDI多轨和系统。


像Kavinsky, Carpenter Brut和Perturbator这样的艺术家在这一流派中都很突出,每个人都为经典声音添加了自己独特的扭曲。从视觉上看,synthwave与明亮的霓虹色彩、像素化的图形和未来主义的图像联系在一起,让人想起80年代的电影和街机风格。它不仅是一种音乐风格,也是一种美学,拥抱过去数字时代的浪漫,同时牢牢扎根于当代文化。


请使用Spire版本1.1.17或更高版本。你将需要FL Studio 21.2.1或更高的打开模板和第三方插件Nicky Romero Kickstart 1.0.9虽然不是必要的可以用你的方法,iRstereo包含和免费,你还需要Adam Szabo Solaris Shimmer混响是一个免费的插件,请从他的网站下载,所有其他使用的插件都是FL Studio的插件。如果你不拥有FL工作室,我们已经包括了个人样本,茎,MIDI Multitracks,和预设用于每个演示,所以你可以将它们导入到你的DAW,而不是使用FL工作室模板。


•128 Synthwave命名尖顶预设(银行文件)
•5 FL工作室演示模板


‘Synthwave Command Force For Spire’ by Immense Sounds features an outstanding 128 Named Spire Presets and five demo kits including FL Studio Templates, MIDI Multitracks, and stems.

‘Synthwave Command Force For Spire’ by Immense Sounds features an outstanding 128 Named Spire Presets and five demo kits including FL Studio Templates, MIDI Multitracks, and stems.

Synthwave is a genre of electronic music that emerged in the early 2000s, inspired by the sounds and aesthetics of 1980s music, video games, and films. Characterized by its nostalgic appeal, synthwave combines the retro digital synthesizer sounds and the basic drum machine beats of the ’80s with modern music production techniques. The genre often features melodic synthesizer leads, solid basslines, and atmospheric, pad-heavy background layers, creating a sound that evokes a sense of nostalgia for the neon-lit, cyberpunk landscapes of the past.

Artists like Kavinsky, Carpenter Brut, and Perturbator are prominent within the genre, each adding their own unique twist to the classic sound. Visually, synthwave is associated with bright neon colors, pixelated graphics, and futuristic imagery reminiscent of ’80s cinema and arcade style. It’s not just a musical style but an aesthetic, embracing the romance of a bygone digital era while residing firmly in contemporary culture.


Please Use Spire Version 1.1.17 Or Higher. You Will Need FL Studio 21.2.1 Or Higher to Open the Templates and 3rd Party Plugin Nicky Romero Kickstart 1.0.9 although not essential can be replaced by your method, iRstereo which is included and free, you will also need Adam Szabo Solaris Shimmer Reverb is a free plugin please download it from his website, all other plugins used are FL Studio’s plugins. If you don’t own FL Studio we have included individual samples, stems, MIDI Multitracks, and presets used for each demo so you can import them into your DAW instead of using the FL Studio templates.

Product Details:

• 128 Synthwave Named Spire Presets (Bank File)
• 5 FL Studio Demo Templates
• 5 Multitrack Demo MIDIs with Samples, Presets Used & Stems
• 100% Royalty-Free
• 21 Basses
• 20 Pads
• 19 Mid Basses
• 19 Sequences
• 17 Leads
• 16 Plucks
• 9 Synths
• 4 Chords
• 3 Guitars

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