AudioZ Exclusive | Presets | 3.68 GB
155 个新预设
Weekend 扩展包附带 150 个受 Weeknd 启发的 Heatup3 额外预设。 使用新的 808、贝司、主音、打击垫、弹拨、弦乐、合成器、琴键等扩展您的 Heatup3 库。
所有乐器都以 24Bit/44.1kHz 立体声格式捕获。 此扩展包大小约为 4GB,使用此扩展包需要 VST 或 Audio Unit 格式的 Heatup3。
155 个额外的加热预设 3
4 GB 内容
155 New Presets
The Weekend expansion pack comes with 150 additional presets for Heatup3 inspired by the Weeknd. Expand your Heatup3 library with new 808’s, basses, leads, pads, plucks, strings, synths, keys and more.
All instruments have been captured in 24Bit / 44.1kHz stereo format. This expansion is ~4GB in size, Heatup3 in VST or Audio Unit format is needed to use this expansion pack.
155 Additional Presets for Heat Up 3
4 GB Content