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Irrupt Bashment Dancing WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 21 September 2023 | 486.58 MB

定义俱乐部文化的声音并不总是带有 4/4 节拍。 音乐并不总是需要反映科技的设计,环境也不需要充满未来激光的明亮光芒。 这只是我们所生活的不拘一格和奇妙场景的冰山一角。 在全球各地的深夜场所中,可以找到令人难以置信的各种声音和形状,我们很自豪能够呈现一些一定会激发您以不同方式思考、以不同方式制作、以不同方式跳舞的东西。 《Bashment Dancing》将城市生活的声音和在尘土飞扬的柏林地下室里举行的牙买加狂欢结合在一起,是一场拥挤的舞会的配乐,没有规则和期望,充满了浓浓的氛围,你可以用 刀。

一旦打开“Bashment Dancing”,就会发现松散排列的循环和令人难以置信的独特打击乐,这是一款专为那些喜欢较少结构的音乐和内心深处城市灵魂的音乐家而设计的产品。 还包括免版税的 Vox、Bass、FX 和完整的音乐循环,种类丰富,让您可以即兴演奏很长时间。 这是一款产品,其愿景是在一条意想不到的城市小街上举办一场邪恶的舞会,来自各行各业和不同方向的人们在没有典型的 4/4 重击声伴奏的情况下蹦蹦跳跳,流汗,并在音乐中失去理智。


The sound that defines club culture doesn’t always come with a 4/4 beat. The music doesn’t always need to reflect the design of techno, nor does the environment need to be saturated with the bright glow of futuristic lasers. This is only the tip of the iceberg in regards to the eclectic and fantastic scene we’re living for. There is an unbelievable spectrum of sounds and shapes to be found in the late night venues around the globe, and we’re proud to present something that’s sure to inspire you to think differently, produce differently, dance differently. Combining the sounds of urban life and a Jamaican rave thrown in a dusty Berlin basement, ‘Bashment Dancing’ is the soundtrack for a packed dance party, devoid of rules and expectations, and complete with a vibe so thick you can cut through it with a knife.

Loosely arranged loops and an unbelievable amount of unique percussion can be found once opening ‘Bashment Dancing,’ a product designed for musicians who love a little less structure with their tunes, and some inner-city soul in their hearts. Royalty free Vox, Bass, FX and full music loops are also included for you with enough variety you’ll be jamming for ages. This is a product made with the vision of a wicked dance party happening down an unexpected city side street, where people from all walks of life and orientations are bouncing, sweating hard, and losing their minds to music unescorted by that typical 4/4 thump.

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