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iZotope Neoverb Pro 1.1.0 WIN

File size: 28 MB

来自 Ozone 和 Nectar 背后的思想,并由传奇的指数音频技术提供支持,iZotope Neoverb 是音乐制作人最智能的混响插件。有效地为人声和乐器设计独特的房间、反射和空间,而不会混淆混音。使用新的混响助手快速进入一个鼓舞人心的起点,通过简单的四次点击过程引导您完成设置。

使用直观的 Blend Pad 一次组合三种不同的混响,以在几秒钟内混合 Halls、Plates 和 Room。使用可聆听您的音频并提出建议的智能前后均衡器来塑造和驯服混响尾音。使用 iZotope Neoverb,您可以专注于创造力,而将试错抛诸脑后。

来自 Ozone 和 Nectar 背后的思想,并由传奇的指数音频技术提供支持,iZotope Neoverb 是音乐制作人最智能的混响插件。节省时间并避免反复试验,并在几秒钟内为人声和乐器设计独特的空间,而不会混淆混音。

新的实时混响助手会指导您根据您的创作需求选择和混合混响。 AI 驱动的 EQ 部分会聆听您的音频并帮助您避免伪影、泥泞和掩蔽。探索深入的高级面板和数十种人声和乐器预设,并添加您的个人风格。无论您是磨练技艺的新制作人,还是最新项目的老手,Neoverb 都将帮助您在更短的时间内获得出色的混响声音。

iZotope Neoverb 的创新混合垫和混响助手可帮助您将不同类型的混响混合到一个适合您曲目的独特空间中,从而让您走得更远、更快。

Neoverb 由 Exponential Audio 著名的混响引擎提供支持。受经典工作室硬件的启发,Exponential Audio 混响因其高质量的算法和逼真的房间声音而备受喜爱。将一流的音质与 iZotope 的直观工作流程相结合,您就有了一个混响插件,可以处理任何混音。


From the minds behind Ozone and Nectar, and powered by legendary Exponential Audio technology, iZotope Neoverb is the smartest reverb plug-in for music producers. Efficiently design unique rooms, reflections, and spaces for vocals and instruments without muddying the mix,. Get to an inspiring starting point quickly with a new Reverb Assistant that guides you through settings with a simple four-click process.

Combine three different reverbs at once using an intuitive Blend Pad to mix Halls, Plates, and Rooms in seconds. Shape and tame reverb tails using intelligent Pre and Post EQs that listen to your audio and make suggestions. With iZotope Neoverb, you can focus on creativity and leave the trial-and-error behind.

From the minds behind Ozone and Nectar, and powered by legendary Exponential Audio technology, iZotope Neoverb is the most intelligent reverb plug-in for music producers. Save time and leave the trial and error behind and design unique spaces for vocals and instruments in seconds, without muddying the mix.

Introducing Neoverb
A new real-time Reverb Assistant guides you in selecting and blending reverbs according to your creative needs. An AI-powered EQ section listens to your audio and helps you avoid artifacts, mud, and masking. Explore a deep Advanced panel and dozens of presets for vocals and instruments, and add your personal touch. Whether you’re a new producer honing your a craft, or a veteran on your latest project, Neoverb will help you get to a great reverb sound in less time.

Find your reverb, fast
iZotope Neoverb’s innovative Blend Pad and Reverb Assistant get you further, faster by helping you mix different types of reverbs into one unique space that fits your track.

Made with Exponential Audio Tech
Neoverb is powered by Exponential Audio’s famous reverb engines. Inspired by classic studio hardware, Exponential Audio reverbs are beloved for their high quality algorithms and realistic room sounds. Combine best-in-class sound quality with iZotope’s intuitive workflow, and you have a reverb plug-in ready to tackle any mix.

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