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Jake Reed Super Dead Drums Vol 2

WAV | 3.27 GB

这是鼓循环、骑乘/踩镲循环的样本包,外加一张附加踩镲、骑乘和碰撞的镜头,在 SUPER DEAD DRUMS VOL 2 中进行了阐述。更时髦的节拍,更经典的摇滚/流行音乐,Motown,Ringo – 风格的节拍、巴西 bossa/samba/partido alto grooves、雷鬼、托尼·艾伦 (Tony Allen) 启发的 Afrobeat breaks,以及第 2 卷正文中遗留下来的超顶级 Crazy Fills 的巨大文件夹。 此外,还有许多精选的替代混音令人愉快地嘎吱作响/饱和/破坏/等。 以最高的品味。 查看下面的 soundcloud 样本卷轴,了解样本包的样本。



1.71 GB 的超级死鼓!

124 鼓循环(更时髦的节拍,更经典的摇滚/流行音乐,Bossa/Samba,雷鬼,Afrobeat)

143 踩镲循环

152 骑循环

160 Hihat One Shots(包括 Round Robins)


11 崩溃一枪

79 替代混音


1 套 60 年代 Gretsch Gold Satin Flame 小牛皮鼓头

48 kHz/24 位文件传输(立体声混音)


麦克风:OH 上的 Mojave MA-1000s,底鼓上的 EV ND868 和 Neumann U47 FET,军鼓顶部的 SM57,

Sennheiser MD 441-U 用于小军鼓底部,AKG C414 B-ULS 用于桶鼓,AKG C451 B 用于踩镲,Beyer M160“膝盖”位置

麦克风前置:BAE 1084s、BAE 和 Neve 500 系列 1073s

Chemex 手冲咖啡机


Jake Reed – 鼓手、工程师、制作人、执行制作人、Loop 策展人、Drum Tech

Keith Armstrong – 混音工程师,Vibe Dialer

Francisco Ojeda – 编辑

封面由 Jamie Breiwick 设计 B Side Graphics

Jake Reed 演奏 Gretsch 鼓、Zildjian 铙钹、Vic Firth 鼓棒和 Remo 鼓皮。

特别感谢 Drum Tortillas 提供超酷的鼓盖 (drumtortillas.com)

2023 年 2 月 16 日至 17 日在山景城录音室录制




This is a sample pack of drum loops, ride/hihat loops, plus one shots of an additional hihat, ride, and crash that expounds upon SUPER DEAD DRUMS VOL 2. Even more funky beats, more classic rock/pop vibes, Motown, Ringo-esque beats, Brazilian bossa/samba/partido alto grooves, reggae, Tony Allen inspired Afrobeat breaks, and a giant folder of over-the-top Crazy Fills left over from Vol 2 proper. Also, there are a number of curated alternate mixes that are delightfully crunched/saturated/destroyed/etc. with the utmost taste. Check out the soundcloud sample reel below for a sampling of the sample pack.



124 Drum Loops (Even More Funky beats, More Classic Rock/Pop, Bossa/Samba, Reggae, Afrobeat)

143 Hihat Loops

152 Ride Loops

160 Hihat One Shots (including Round Robins)

26 Ride One Shots

11 Crash One Shots

79 Alt-Mixes

192 Crazy Fills

1 60s Gretsch Gold Satin Flame drumset with calfskin heads

48 kHz/24 bit file delivery (stereo mixes)


Mics: Mojave MA-1000s on OH, EV ND868 and Neumann U47 FET on kick, SM57 on snare top,

Sennheiser MD 441-U on snare bottom, AKG C414 B-ULS on toms, AKG C451 B on hihat, Beyer M160 “knee” position

Mic Pres: BAE 1084s, BAE and Neve 500 series 1073s

Chemex pour-over coffee maker


Jake Reed – Drums, Engineer, Producer, Executive Producer, Loop Curator, Drum Tech

Keith Armstrong – Mix Engineer, Vibe Dialer

Francisco Ojeda – Editing

Cover design by Jamie Breiwick B Side Graphics

Jake Reed plays Gretsch drums, Zildjian cymbals, Vic Firth sticks, and Remo drumheads.

Special thanks to Drum Tortillas for the super cool drum covers (drumtortillas.com)

Recorded at The Mountain View Studio February 16-17, 2023

This pack is royalty free, as long as it is not used as part of another pack or library.

Since this is a digital download, all sales are final.

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