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Kingsway Music Library Vol. 5 (Compositions and Stems) WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 02 May 2023 | 729 MB

Kingsway 音乐库是为基于样本的制作人、DJ 和节拍制作人创建的,他们希望将原创音乐切碎、翻转并编排成令人耳目一新的节拍,而无需在无休止的黑胶唱片堆中挖掘或担心样本清关问题。

Kingsway 样本以 30 IPS 录制到 1 英寸磁带上,使用了普通节拍制作人、制作人和 DJ 无法使用的稀有复古设备和乐器。

作为一名重度唱片收藏家和前采样节拍制作者,Frank 非常了解什么是好的采样以及什么是绝妙的节拍。 这些样本的创建非常注重细节,特别是考虑到节拍制作者和制作人。

Kingsway Music Library 由一流的录音室音乐家组成和创作,这些音乐家通过 NEVE 或 NEVE 等效前置放大器和麦克风使用老式麦克风(其中一些价值超过 2 万美元)录制。 用于创建这个独特音乐库的录音和设备也与自嘻哈音乐诞生以来人们一直在采样的经典 60 年代心理、前卫摇滚和灵魂音乐库音乐中使用的相同设备。


The Kingsway Music Library was created for the sample based producer, DJ, and beatmaker who wants original music to chop, flip, and arrange into head banging beats without the hassle of digging through endless stacks of vinyl or worrying about sample clearance issues.

The Kingsway samples were recorded to 1 inch tape at 30 IPS, using an onslaught of rare vintage gear and instruments that the average beatmaker, producer, & DJ don’t have access to.

As a heavy collector of records and former sampling beat maker, Frank has an intimate knowledge of what makes a great sample and what makes a dope beat. These samples were created using extreme attention to detail specifically with the beatmaker and producer in mind.

Kingsway Music Library was composed and created using top notch studio musicians recorded through NEVE or NEVE equivalent pre-amps and mic’d using vintage mics (some of which are worth upwards of $20k). The recording and equipment used to create this unique music library is also the same equipment used on classic 60’s psych, prog rock, and soul library music people have been sampling since the inception of hip hop music.

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