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Kompose Audio Arcturus Nano KONTAKT


介绍全新的Arcturus Nano。我们心爱的经典,现在重新设想,比以往任何时候都好!

请注意- Arcturus Nano是Arcturus Nova的精简版本。

踏入银河航海家系列的下一个演变与大角星纳米由Kompose音频和脉冲音频。建立在原始的Arcturus Kontakt仪器的成功,Arcturus Nano保留了所有珍贵的声音,使其成为世界各地作曲家工作室的主要作品,同时引入先进的功能,旨在增强您的创作工作流程。


Arcturus Nano引入了一系列强大的新控制,包括高通和低通滤波器滑块和攻击旋钮,为您提供精确的命令在仪器的音调特征。这些增强功能使您能够以更大的细微差别塑造您的声音,无论您是精炼pad的温暖,塑造拨的攻击,还是微调您的作曲氛围。

除了其技术能力,Arcturus Nano在其多功能性方面表现出色。虽然它在史诗和电影作品中闪耀,但它的应用扩展到放松,冥想,治疗和以繁荣为重点的音乐。该乐器舒缓的音调和广阔的音景旨在营造一种和平与幸福的感觉,使其成为旨在促进正念和正能量的项目的有力工具。


Arcturus Nano代表了一个重要的升级,将先进的声音设计工具与定义其前身的相同天体之美相结合。无论您的焦点是环境,管弦乐,电子,或实验,大角星纳米邀请您探索新的声音领域。

与Arcturus Nano一起踏上您的下一个创意之旅,并在银河旅行者系列的不断扩大的宇宙中发现无限的可能性。


分配任何旋钮或滑块到MIDI CC控制器右键单击它,选择“学习MIDI CC自动化”并移动您所需的控制。

所有八个旋钮都支持“主机自动化”,因此您可以在DAW中自动化它们。在Logic Pro中使用“智能控制”,在Cubase中使用“快速控制”。


– – – – – -英语

添加Arcturus Nano到Kontakt的图书馆浏览器
Arcturus Nano包括必要的文件和完整的说明如何将仪器添加到Kontakt的主图书馆浏览器。

需要Kontakt FULL v7.10.2或更新!


Introducing the all-new Arcturus Nano. Our beloved classic, now reimagined and better than ever!

Please note – Arcturus Nano is a cut-down version of Arcturus Nova.

Step into the next evolution of the Galactic Voyager Series with Arcturus Nano by Kompose Audio and Pulse Audio. Building on the success of the original Arcturus Kontakt Instrument, Arcturus Nano retains all the cherished sounds that have made it a staple in the studios of composers worldwide, while introducing advanced features designed to enhance your creative workflow.

Central to Arcturus Nano are its meticulously sampled harp recordings, harmoniously blended with vintage keyboard tones. These sounds, captured with precise fidelity, offer an exquisite palette of tranquil, romantic, and ethereal textures, ideal for creating immersive soundscapes.

Arcturus Nano introduces a range of powerful new controls, including high pass and low pass filter sliders and an attack knob, offering you precise command over the instrument’s tonal characteristics. These enhancements enable you to sculpt your sound with greater nuance, whether you’re refining the warmth of a pad, shaping the attack of a pluck, or fine-tuning the atmosphere of your composition.

Beyond its technical capabilities, Arcturus Nano excels in its versatility. While it shines in epic and cinematic compositions, its application extends to relaxation, meditation, healing, and prosperity-focused music. The instrument’s soothing tones and expansive soundscapes are crafted to foster a sense of peace and well-being, making it a powerful tool for projects aimed at promoting mindfulness and positive energy.

Enhanced user experience with multi-language interface
The user experience has also been enhanced with a multi-language interface supporting 11 languages, ensuring accessibility for composers and producers around the globe.

Arcturus Nano represents a significant upgrade, combining advanced sound design tools with the same celestial beauty that defined its predecessor. Whether your focus is ambient, orchestral, electronic, or experimental, Arcturus Nano invites you to explore new sonic territories.

Embark on your next creative journey with Arcturus Nano, and discover the limitless possibilities that await in the expanding universe of the Galactic Voyager Series.

– Magic: Infuse your sound with mystical, delayed tones using the Convole reverb, adding a captivating shimmer to your audio.
– Space: Journey into an expansive sonic universe with the Replika reverb. Deep, lush, and immersive, it transports your sound to distant realms.
– Echo: Create rich, harmonious echoes with the Psyche delay. More than just an echo, it’s a melodic dialogue with your sound.
– Spread: Expand your sound’s horizon, adding width and depth to your sonic landscape.
– Color: Shape your sound with the SG-EQ filter cutoff, like an artist fine-tuning their masterpiece. Brighten for clarity or warm it up for a vintage feel.
– Glisten: Enhance your audio with the Flair effect, adding a layer of shimmering brilliance that makes your sound truly shine.
– Mute Buttons: Instantly silence any effect or instrument with a single click, giving you precise control over your soundscape.
– New – Low Pass and High Pass Filter Sliders: Fine-tune your soundscape by adjusting the low and high pass filters, sculpting the perfect tonal balance.
– New – Attack: Modify the harp’s attack for a subtler, more nuanced sound.

Full MIDI Control
Assign any knob or slider to a MIDI CC Controller by right-clicking it, selecting ‘Learn MIDI CC Automation’ and moving your desired control.

All eight knobs support ‘Host Automation’ so you can automate them in your DAW. In Logic Pro, use Smart Controls, and in Cubase, Quick Controls.

For Maschine users, the eight knobs are pre-mapped to the controller knobs for easy access.

Included Interface Languages
– Danish
– Dutch
– French
– German
– Italian
– Japanese
– Norwegian
– Polish
– Spanish
– Swedish
– English

Add Arcturus Nano to Kontakt’s Library Browser
Arcturus Nano includes the necessary files and full instructions on how to add the instrument to Kontakt’s main Library Browser.

Requires Kontakt FULL v7.10.2 or newer!

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