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XotoPad 将您的多点触控设备转变为具有和弦、音阶、推子等功能的 MIDI 乐器控制器。
XotoPad 专为旅行和工作室制作而设计,是您快速勾勒和完善您的音乐创意的秘密武器。 清晰的界面为您提供随时随地演奏虚拟乐器、绘制和弦进行、创建动态节拍以及在 DAW 中控制效果所需的一切。
从 300 多个音阶中选择一种,XotoPad 将为您生成优化的音阶播放器页面。 无论您是想创作旋律还是进行现场表演 – 您将永远不需要再次记住正确的音符。
XotoPad 包含一个特殊的和弦页面向导,可以为您计算最重要的三和弦和四个音符和弦。 只需选择一个音阶和一个根音,XotoPad 就会完成剩下的工作。
您还可以将和弦垫从一页复制到另一页。 通过这种方式,您可以构建自己的现场演奏动作页面。 再也不会敲错和弦了!
XotoPad turns your multi-touch device into a MIDI instrument controller with chords, scales, faders, and more.
Designed for both travel and studio productions, XotoPad is your secret weapon to quickly sketch and refine your musical ideas. The clear interface gives you everything you need to play virtual instruments on the go, sketch chord progressions, create dynamic beats, and control effects inside your DAW.
Create great melodies quickly
Choose from one of over 300 scales and XotoPad will generate an optimized scale player page for you. Whether you want to sketch a melody or do a live act – you will never need to remember the right notes again.
Additionally, a built-in isomorphic page wizard can be used to create touch friendly keyboard layouts easily.
Play the right chords anytime
XotoPad contains a special chord page wizard that calculates the most important triads and four note chords for you. Just pick a scale and a root note and XotoPad will do the rest.
You can also copy chord pads from one page to another. This way you can build your own action pages for live playing. Never hit the wrong chords again!