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Montage by Splice Daydreams: Ethereal Harp WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 18 September 2024 | 489.81 MB

走进洛杉矶获奖的竖琴师和歌手Pia Salvia的电影般的梦幻世界,她是现代竖琴界的一位独特艺术家。来自比利时的Salvia周游世界,探索不同的音乐传统,并将这些不同流派的元素注入竖琴的世界。这种声音的混合反映在这个样本包中,它描绘了所有这些元素在不同的音乐风格和各种情绪情绪和场景。

从迷人的旋律到复杂的和弦进程,从郁郁葱葱的纹理到令人回味的音景,Daydreams: Ethereal Harp的每一个元素都是精心策划的,以激发歌曲创作,节拍制作或电影叙事的创造力。竖琴是演出的特色明星,它与丹·坎特雷尔演奏的塞莱斯特,锯,风铃和其他特殊乐器配对。你会发现这些乐器的干净的音调,以及创造性地使用不同的效果,结合竖琴作为你的轨道上神秘的仙女尘埃。精心制作的鼠尾草和抛光的制片人诺姆以色列,这个包是你的去为你的音乐创作增添一抹魔力。让鼠尾草迷人的竖琴声音激发你的创造力,把你的项目到新的高度,无论你是制作歌曲,奠定节拍,或为电影和电视配乐的场景。



Step inside the cinematic ethereal dream world of Award-winning Los Angeles based harpist and vocalist Pia Salvia, a unique artist in the world of modern harp. Originally from Belgium, Salvia has travelled the world, exploring different musical traditions and infusing elements from those diverse genres into the world of the harp. This blend of sounds is reflected in this sample pack, which portrays all of these elements in different musical styles and in a variety of emotional moods and scenes.

From mesmerizing melodies to intricate chord progressions, from lush textures to evocative soundscapes, every element of Daydreams: Ethereal Harp is meticulously curated to inspire creativity in songwriting, beatmaking, or cinematic storytelling. The harp is the featured star of the show and its paired with celeste, saw, wind chimes and other special instruments played by Dan Cantrell. You will find the clean tones of these instruments as well as creative use of different effects that combine with the harp to act as the mystical fairy dust atop your track. Crafted with care by Salvia and polished by producer Noam Israeli, this pack is your go-to for adding a touch of magic to your musical creations. Let Salvia’s enchanting harp sounds spark your creativity and take your projects to new heights, whether you are producing songs, laying down beats, or scoring scenes for film and TV.

250 Samples


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