FANTASTiC | 20 January 2025 | 552.47 MB
制作人和音效设计师Galen Tipton和;霍莉·瓦克斯温,他们最早接触音乐是通过电子游戏。作为90年代和00年代初的孩子,那个时代色彩缤纷、时而傻傻的、极其有趣的电子游戏作品成为他们童年的主要内容,并极大地影响了他们后来创作的音乐。
“对我来说,在电子游戏中,经常会有这种奇怪的世界叠加,让我感到既熟悉又亲切,同时又孤立和陌生。这种“恐怖谷”扭曲了时间、空间意识和记忆。当玩家在玩没有参考点或攻略的游戏时,玩家的困惑和无聊感反而会加剧这种效果。”Holly Waxwing说道。
这种根深蒂固的怀旧氛围被奇妙地重现在这个身临其境的视频游戏原声包蒙太奇-回声的故事:Y2K视频游戏。顺便说一下,Echo是Holly Waxwing的狗,这群狗几乎是一个假想的电子游戏的配乐,灵感来自于Echo的小狗冒险。制作二人组从90年代/2000年代建立了自己的ost,使用相同的有限声音调色板(非常基本的合成器声音,基本的鼓机,并模仿早期采样器的技术),以及对旋律的强烈关注,以传达故事和氛围。大量的音乐灵感来自经典游戏,如《Pikmin》、《Luigi’s Mansion》、《Mario 64》、《Ape Escape》、《Animal Crossing》、《Crash Bandicoot》、《Banjo-Kazooie》、《Spyro and Croc》、《真人格斗》和《塞尔达传说:时之笛》。
For producers and sound designers Galen Tipton and; Holly Waxwing, their earliest connection with music was through the video games. As children of the 90s and early 00s the colorful, at times goofy and extremely playful video game compositions from that era became staples of their childhood and greatly influenced the music they went on to create later on in life.
They both fell in love with how games often rely so heavily on motifs and variations on a central theme, because those melodies formed such intense psychic and emotional bonds. Video games from the early aughts had scores that could blend more hi-fidelity sounds but still had limitations imposed by the storage capacity and technology of the time. This combo of advances and limitations led to a characteristic sound that is uniquely distinct to their core memories.
“For me, in video games there is often this strange superposition of the worlds feeling both intimately familiar and homey, as well as isolating and alien. This kind of “uncanny valley” of sorts distorts time, spatial awareness and memory. This effect was really accentuated by the kind of confusion, verging on tedium, that happened when playing games with no reference points or walkthroughs”, says Holly Waxwing.
This engrained nostalgic vibe is recaptured wonderfully in this immersive video game soundtrack pack for Montage – Echo’s Story: Y2K Video Game. Echo, by the way, is Holly Waxwing’s dog and the pack is almost an imaginary score to a video game inspired by Echo’s puppy adventures. The production duo built their own take on OSTs from the 90s/2000s with the same limited sound palettes (very basic synth sounds, rudimentary drum machines, and emulating the techniques of early samplers) as well as a strong attention to melody to convey story and vibe above all else. Massive musical inspiration came from classic games like the Pikmin, Luigi’s Mansion, Mario 64, Ape Escape, Animal Crossing, Crash Bandicoot, Banjo-Kazooie, Spyro and Croc, Mortal Kombat and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
This pack features an array of digital mallets, scene setting song starters, perfectly retro synths, endless sfx for all types of in-game actions, foley fighting moves and weapon sounds, as well as a host of “vocal characters” that each take on a humorous persona of their own. These sounds will truly transport you to an era that feels beyond memory and time and into a dark cave, an underwater city, or a boss’ realm of your wildest video game imagination. If you’re designing a retro video game, look no further. Want to flip these sounds into your trap beat to give it an addictive playfulness? Be our guest. Whatever you use these sounds for, you’re sure to get lost in the endless time warp of Echo’s Story.
285 Samples