在这个模板中,你可以学习如何创建一个歌曲像在ATB轨道。引线,拔,垫,低音,Fx的,过渡-你需要的一切都在这里!但最重要的是——所有你需要加载theis项目只是NI大规模synth和两个额外的流行效果- VolumeShaper & db Glitch v1.3(免费插件)。
包括Flp项目,Midi,波浪样本,10 – NI大规模预置。
– NI大规模
dblue Glitch 1.3(免费!)
In this template you can learn how to create a song like in ATB tracks. Leads, Pluck, Pads, Basses, Fx’s, Transitions – everything you need is here! But the most important thing – all what you need for the loading theis project is only NI Massive synth and two additional popular effects – VolumeShaper & db Glitch v1.3 (free plugin).
The construction template with samples included, mastered and ready to be built on fully completed track.
Incl. Flp Project, Midi, Wave Samples, 10 – NI Massive Presets.
You need to have plug-ins:
– NI Massive
– dblue Glitch 1.3 (Free!)
– Volume Shaper 3