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Nu.Wav No Boys Allowed [WAV]

FANTASTiC | 28 February 2021 | 282 MBnu.wav自豪地展示了“ No Boys Allowed”,这是一个由纽约市的womxn和非二进制制作人组成的集合,这些制作人聚集在一起以支持不断增长的声音创作者。 nu.wav从该资料包中获得的所有收入将捐赠给Beats By Girlz,该组织致力于通过为女性和非二元青年提供音乐技术指导和工具,增强他们对音乐制作,作曲和创作的兴趣和技能,从而为音乐技术领域的非营利组织提供支持工程。

nu.wav proudly presents No Boys Allowed, a collaboration amongst a collection of largely NYC-based womxn & nonbinary producers coming together to support the rising generation of sonic creatives. All of nu.wav’s proceeds from this pack will be donated to Beats By Girlz, an organization working to empower female & nonbinary youth in music technology by providing them with the guidance and tools to develop their interest and skills in music production, composition, and engineering.

These samples, as diverse as the musicians that created them, span a range of genres including pop, R&B, electronic/experimental, and funk. This pack serves as a testament that musical inspiration can take any form when individuality, empowerment and energy are celebrated and cultivated. Recorded in each producer’s unique studio during the quarantine of spring 2020, this palette of sounds features everything from ripping live instrumental riffs to powerful vocals, vibey pads and grooves, distinctive field recordings and intricately-crafted sonic sculptures. We invite you to dive in and get inspired by the unexpected.

Many thanks to all of our contributors: Ariana Fay Blasfemmeous Blonde Maze Bryn Bliska Drea Ebonie Smith Emily Sgouros Giulliana Merello Jessi Lee Khaya Cohen Moon Kissed Ms. Madli NAOBA Paulina Vo Pozibelle Rosemary Minkler So Wylie Sus Vasquez Ushamami Voir

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