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nu.wav Sus Vasquez – Guitar Heaven WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 19 February 2024 | 533.48 MB

该包包含超过 250 个深情的电吉他节奏、美味的连复段以及精心制作的歌曲开头和进行,以激发您的灵感。 这些想法具有各种音调和氛围,适合 Rand;B、流行、摇滚、嘻哈、电子以及任何您的创造力可能引导的项目。

这些独特的声音在一位多才多艺、富有创意的演奏者手中捕捉到了电吉他的最高潜力,他的技术和感觉都非常出色:出生于哥伦比亚、现居纽约/洛杉矶的吉他手 Sus Vasquez。 Sus 作为一名跨越多种流派的吉他手而闻名,曾与 Karol G、Luis Fonsi、Jacob Collier、Blue October、Billy Porter、Blu DeTiger、Benson Boone、Hope Tala、Anna Sofia 等艺术家一起演奏。 弗莱彻。

这些经过精心处理的声音是用 Sus 自己独特的电吉他和设备收藏录制的,这些声音是从开放的即兴创作中诞生的,并且带有当您在房间里与音乐大师一起创作时所获得的有机生活感。 该包还包含 nu.wav 自己的 Bryn Bliska 的一些额外制作。

269 样品


This pack is brimming with over 250 soulful electric guitar grooves, tasty riffs, and intricately crafted songstarters and progressions to spark your inspiration. Featuring a variety of tones and vibes, these ideas will be right at home in projects across Rand;B, pop, rock, hip-hop, electronic, and wherever your creativity might lead.

These unique sounds capture the electric guitar at its highest potential, in the hands of a versatile and deeply creative player whose technique and feel are both exceptional: Colombian-born and NYC/LA-based guitarist Sus Vasquez. Sus has made a name for herself as a guitarist thriving across a variety of genres, having played alongside artists including Karol G, Luis Fonsi, Jacob Collier, Blue October, Billy Porter, Blu DeTiger, Benson Boone, Hope Tala, Anna Sofia, and Fletcher.

Recorded with Sus’s own singular collection of electric guitars and gear, this selection of carefully-processed sounds was born from open improvisation, and carries within it the sense of organic livelihood you get when you’re in the room creating with a master musician. The pack is rounded out with some additional production by nu.wav’s own Bryn Bliska.

269 Samples

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