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Omnisphere拓展音色 – Triple Spiral Audio Empty Field F2 Complete for Omnisphere 2.5-RESONANT

20.01.2020|Omnisphere Library|906 MB

空白字段– Omnisphere 2的F.2开始于每月发布,从2018年2月到2019年2月有10个预定版本。声音集现已完成,包含520个预设,100个多重音色和360个声源

9月,我为当时新发布的Omnisphere 2.5完全更新了该设置
此版本现在需要使用Omnisphere 2.5,并且大小为1.7 GB。


该声音集已由Sample Library Review审查。

贡献者Raymond D Ricker为Triple Spiral Audio的Omnisphere 2评论了“空场-F.2”

“有希望的,均衡的Omnisphere 2补丁集。自然声音可以与不断发展的打击垫和深深的,切分的ARPS相结合,以产生空灵的氛围以及色彩和情感的质感。”

Sample Sound Review将图书馆评为5星(满分5星)!

“ Empty Fields”的声音设计中已经融入了许多情感,而Triple Spiral Audio再次创造了杰作。我并不是要迷失本系列的力量,但我不能自救。带有Omnisphere 2的任何人都会因为不了解这一点而远远不够。
Omnisphere 2的Empty Fields系列以各种方式体现了环境的完美。 Triple Spiral Audio已成为我最喜欢的声音设计师之一。一次性价格€75,00会在一年内为您提供10个发行版本,这必须是我多年来看到的最高价值。这是强制性购买!””

空字段– Omnisphere 2的F.2

Empty Fields – F.2 for Omnisphere 2 started as a per month release with 10 scheduled releases from February 2018 till February 2019. The soundset is now completed with 520 presets, 100 multis and 360 soundsources

With this ongoing project I wanted to capture the ever changing beauty of these Empty Fields and let myself inspire to create and record on a monthly base new material.
In September I updated the set completely for the then new released Omnisphere 2.5
This version requires now Omnisphere 2.5 to be used and is 1.7 GB in size.

During a one year period I let myself be inspired by a beautiful enviroment and recorded sounds and created presets on a monthly base. Before I did not know the outcome and often the changes of weather, the mood of the months resulted in fascinating results. This resulted in a soundset with a lot of character. The sounds go from light and beautiful till dark and mysterious.
The presets in this pack are perfectly suited for underscoring films, games, tv or for ambient music productions. Some presets serve other sounds while a lot of presets can also be the sole foundation of new ideas.

The soundset has been reviewed by Sample Library Review

Contributor Raymond D Ricker reviews ‘Empty Fields – F.2’ for Omnisphere 2 from Triple Spiral Audio

“A promising, well-balanced set of Omnisphere 2 patches. Natural sounds can be combined with evolving pads and deep, syncopated ARPS to produce ethereal atmospheres & textures of color and emotion.”

Sample Sound Review rated the library 5 out of 5 stars!

“Tons of emotions have been crafted in the sound design of Empty Fields and Triple Spiral Audio has once again created a masterpiece. I don’t mean to gush over the power of this series, but I can’t help myself. Anyone with Omnisphere 2 would be falling way short by not picking this up.
The Empty Fields series for Omnisphere 2 embodies ambient perfection in every way. Triple Spiral Audio has risen in the ranks of one of my favorite sound designers. A one-time price of €75,00 will give you 10 releases in one year, has to be the the best values I’ve seen in years. This is a Mandatory Buy!””

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