Omnisphere Irazu是Spectrasonics的Omnisphere 2.6混合合成器的120个全新电影补丁的集合。 它包括109个新的声源。
受Hans Zimmer(X战警:黑暗凤凰),Ramin Djawadi(西方世界),ÓlafurArnalds(布罗彻奇),Stephen Barton(泰坦瀑布2)和Hildur Gu?nadóttir(切尔诺贝利)等作曲家的音乐启发,Omnisphere Irazu涵盖了一切 从紧张的惊悚arps到惊人的动作低音线条,再到令人不安的怪异音景。
Omnisphere Irazu中的许多修补程序都使用多个图层,因此,如果某个修补程序无法满足您的目的,或者您只想使用特定的图层,则可以将不需要的图层静音。 Omnisphere Irazu还广泛使用了调制轮。 在许多情况下,它可能会将补丁完全更改为完全不同的内容,因此,我们鼓励您尝试使用它。
Inspired by music scores from composers such as Hans Zimmer (X-Men: Dark Phoenix), Ramin Djawadi (Westworld), Ólafur Arnalds (Broadchurch), Stephen Barton (Titanfall 2) and Hildur Gu?nadóttir (Chernobyl), Omnisphere Irazu covers everything from tense thriller arps to blockbuster action bass lines to unnerving, eerie soundscapes.
Many patches in Omnisphere Irazu use multiple layers, so you can mute the layers you don’t need if a patch is too busy for your purposes, or if you just want to use a particular layer. Omnisphere Irazu also makes extensive use of the modulation wheel. In many cases, it may completely change the patch into something totally different, so we encourage you to have fun with it.