FANTASTiC | 05 April 2022 | 523 MB
我们自豪地推出“RnB Jamz”,它完美融合了新旧元素,它利用了真正的 RnB 精髓,并毫不费力地将其与现代人声和声音设计融为一体。 里面有一系列俏皮的旋律,多样而独特的人声循环,使用错综复杂的爵士乐声音的柔滑和弦,以及会让你脖子酸痛的鼓声。 使用“RnB Jamz”扩展您的新灵魂样本库。
•91 一次拍摄
•184 个循环
We proudly present ‘RnB Jamz’, it is a perfect blend of old and new, it harnesses an authentic RnB essence and effortlessly blends it with contemporary vocals and sound design. Inside there is a range of playful melodies, diverse and unique vocal loops, silky chords that use intricate jazz voicings and drum beats that will make your neck sore. Expand your neo-soul sample library with ‘RnB Jamz’.
•91 one shots
•184 loops