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Pelham and Junior Reel Escape 2 WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 01 June 2023 | 655 MB

Reel Escape 回归并拥有更多电影感和音景。 这一次,它更多地关注电影配乐方面,而不是严重依赖现代嘻哈和 R&B 风格。

Reel Escape II 的灵感来自 Hans Zimmer、Nicholas Brittell 和 Ludwig Göransson。 这个包包含更多宏伟的钢琴、梦幻般的合成器垫、富有感情的弦乐、我们独特的声乐乐句等等。

此包内含 12 首迷你乐曲及其词干,共 72 个文件。 所有这些都可以被剪切和重放,或者直接拖放到你的 DAW 中。

样本是关键和 BPM 标签。

这是一个数字下载。 包含的所有声音都与任何 DAW 或采样器 (44.1K) 兼容。


Reel Escape has returned and has even more cinematic feels and soundscapes. This time it focuses more on the film score side instead of leaning heavily on the Modern Hip-Hop and R&B take.

Reel Escape II takes inspiration from Hans Zimmer, Nicholas Brittell & Ludwig Göransson. This pack contains more grandiose pianos, dream-like synth pads, emotive strings, our unique vocal phrases and more.

This pack comes with 12 mini compositions with their stems, a total of 72 files. All of them can be chopped and replayed or dragged and dropped right into your DAW.

Samples are Key and BPM Labeled.

This is a digital download. All sounds included are compatible with any DAW or sampler (44.1K).

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