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Plugin Alliance Maag Audio Bundle 2024.10.10 MacOS

File size: 207.03 MB

Mäag音频由Cliff Maag Sr.创立,他是一名录音工程师,拥有超过35年的跟踪和混音经验。Cliff对高质量声音的强烈热情是所有Mäag音频设备背后的催化剂。作为广受赞誉的NTI EQ3和Nightpro PreQ3 & EQ3D的发明者,Cliff在90年代初向世界推出了AIR BAND®。AIR BAND®是Mäag音频设备中备受尊敬和无与伦比的元素。

Mäag Audio团队致力于追求卓越。我们的目标是为所有音频工程师提供他们在行业中竞争所需的尖端技术。音频设备不是生活中最重要的东西,但对我们来说,它在“必须拥有它”的列表上非常接近AIR。


Mäag Audio团队的目标是追求完美。每一个独特的Mäag音频齿轮的设计是完美的预期用途。从一开始,我们的产品设计就有一个明确的目的,即帮助世界上的音频工程师使他们的工艺尽可能接近完美。

Mäag Audio团队努力使这项技术的声音和功能比原来的NTI/Nightpro设备更好。对最佳声音的需求和渴望仍然是推动Cliff和Mäag音频团队的催化剂。

•Maag EQ2 1.11.1
•Maag EQ4 1.16.1
•Maag EQ4 MS 1.0.0
•Maag Magnum-K 1.6.1

→Mäag EQ2

•输入ATTN -输入衰减器(0 – (-12.5 dB))
•LMF选择器-钟形曲线升压在Sub, 40赫兹,57赫兹,65赫兹,88赫兹,150Hz, 220赫兹,250赫兹,400赫兹,1 kHz,或1.4 kHz。
•LMF增益- LMF增益控制:+12 dB(紧钟形)至+15 dB(宽钟形)
•AIR BAND®-仅在2.5 kHz, 5 kHz, 10 kHz, 15 kHz, 20 kHz或40 kHz时增强货架。大陆架峰以下的频率也受到过渡斜率的影响。
•空气波段增益-增益控制为+12 dB (40 kHz)到+17 dB (2.5 kHz)
•BAND IN/OUT -选择相应的频带是在电路中还是在电路外。

→Mäag EQ4
世界顶级制作人的声音EQ因其标志性的AIR BAND®而备受喜爱

•传奇的AIR BAND®增强几乎每一个来源,从人声到混合总线和超越。
•新功能:可调整大小的GUI,新的可切换的黑色版ui -面板,撤销/重做,银行选择

→Mäag EQ4 MS
控制Mäag音频的旗舰EQ和它的AIR BAND®从未像现在这样

•严格的Mäag EQ4 M硬件模型及其商标AIR BAND®

→Mäag Magnum-K
双压缩机与AIR BAND®

•2个压缩机部分,Magnum compp和K compp
•TMT – Brainworx专利注册“公差建模技术”(美国专利号10,725,727)
•M/S模式包括Solo M和Solo S

•macOS 11.0或更高版本


Mäag Audio was founded by Cliff Maag Sr., a recording engineer by trade with over 35 years of tracking and mixing experience. Cliff’s strong passion for high quality sound is the catalyst behind all Mäag Audio gear. As the inventor of the acclaimed NTI EQ3 and the Nightpro PreQ3 & EQ3D, Cliff introduced the AIR BAND® to the world in the early ’90s. The AIR BAND® is a respected and unsurpassed element of Mäag Audio gear.

The Mäag Audio team is committed to excellence. Our goal is to provide all audio engineers cutting edge technology that they need to compete in their industry. Audio gear isn’t the most important thing in life, but to us it’s pretty close to AIR on the “got to have it” list.

Only the finest components are used in Mäag Audio gear. Build quality is among the highest in the professional audio industry. You can rest assured your Mäag Audio gear will perform at sonically superior levels, every day.

The Mäag Audio team is driven by its quest for perfection. Each unique piece of Mäag Audio gear is designed to be perfect for its intended use. From initial inception, our products are designed with the clear purpose of aiding the Audio Engineers of the world in making their craft as close to perfect as possible.

The Mäag Audio team has worked hard to make the technology sound and function even better than the original NTI/Nightpro gear. The need and desire for the best possible sound continues to be the catalyst that drives Cliff and the Mäag Audio team.

→ This Bundle Contains:
• Maag EQ2 1.11.1
• Maag EQ4 1.16.1
• Maag EQ4 MS 1.0.0
• Maag Magnum-K 1.6.1

→ Mäag EQ2
Flawless emulation of TEC award nominated EQ

• INPUT ATTN – Input attenuator (0 – (-12.5 dB))
• LMF SWITCH – Low-Mid Frequency selector. Switch in the ‘up’ position selects a tight bell curve (red band), switch in the ‘down’ position selects a wide bell curve (white band).
• LMF SELECTOR – Bell curve boost at Sub, 40 Hz, 57 Hz, 65 Hz, 88 Hz, 150Hz, 220 Hz, 250 Hz, 400 Hz, 1 kHz, or 1.4 kHz.
• LMF GAIN – Gain control for the LMF: +12 dB (tight bell) to +15 dB (wide bell)
• AIR BAND® – Boost only shelf at 2.5 kHz, 5 kHz, 10 kHz, 15 kHz, 20 kHz, or 40 kHz. Frequencies below the shelf peaks are also affected due to the transitional slope.
• AIR BAND GAIN – Gain control for the AIR BAND +12 dB (40 kHz) to +17 dB (2.5 kHz)
• BAND IN/OUT – Selects whether or not the corresponding band is in-circuit or out of circuit.

→ Mäag EQ4
The vocal EQ of the world’s top producers loved for its iconic AIR BAND®

• The legendary AIR BAND® enhances almost every source, from vocals to mix bus and beyond.
• New features: resizable GUI, new switchable Black Edition UI-Faceplate, Undo/Redo, Bank selection
• Includes a unique SUB Band (10Hz!) for controlling or enhancing low end rumble on bass instruments and the mix bus.
• Fixed Frequency Band-Pass Filters for phase-coherent EQing.
• High shelving boost available at 2.5 kHz, 5 kHz, 10 kHz, 20 kHz, or 40 kHz.
• A favorite of major mixers and artists on vocals, drums, guitars and the master bus.

→ Mäag EQ4 MS
Control Mäag Audio’s flagship EQ and its AIR BAND® like never before

• Exacting model of Mäag EQ4 M hardware and its trademark AIR BAND®
• Stereo and m/s processing
• High and low pass filters in each channel
• Expanded bandwidth and center frequencies for all bell filters
• Mono-Maker and Stereo Width
• Variable Total Harmonic Distortion
• Soft clipper
• I/O, correlation and balance-metering
• Parameter Link
• Scalable UI
• Additional center frequencies for all bell filters
• Q-factor for all bell filters
• Brainworx’s TMT inside: Tolerance Modeling Technology (US Patent No. 10,725,727) simulates 20 channel-to-channel variances in electronic components for the most realistic analog sound in digital recreation of analog characteristics

→ Mäag Magnum-K
Dual Compressor with AIR BAND®

• 2 compressor sections, Magnum Comp and K Comp
• Musical-sounding parallel EQ with LMF and Mäag’s signature Air Band
• Soft Limiter
• Faithfully modelled, endorsed and approved by Mäag Audio
• Stereo version in addition to the original mono version
• DRY/WET parameter for parallel mix
• 20 different, analog TMT channels
• TMT — Brainworx patent-registered “Tolerance Modeling Technology” (US Patent No. 10,725,727)
• M/S mode inclusive Solo M and Solo S

Supported Operation System
• macOS 11.0 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor


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