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Plugin Alliance Must-Have Bundle 2024.06.25 MacOS

File size: 1.65 GB


使用Must-Have Bundle解锁您的生产潜力,其中包含来自顶级音频软件品牌的精心制作的插件,如Mixland, Three-Body Technology, Kiive audio, Brainworx, ADPTR audio, elysia, Unfiltered audio, Mäag audio和NEOLD。这束设计,以提高您的音乐制作的各个方面,从混音和掌握动态处理和谐波增强。

从Mixland Vac攻击开始,这是一种光学压缩器,将复古的温暖与现代控制相结合,非常适合为人声和乐器添加角色。体验Kiive Audio的XTComp的多功能,这是一款多模式FET压缩器,它捕捉了LA-2A和1176等经典压缩机的精髓,非常适合从微妙的声音水平到侵略性鼓处理的一切。

重塑你的声音与三体技术Kirchhoff-EQ, 32波段参数EQ与无与伦比的精度和过多的过滤器类型手术调整。然后,完善你的轨道与AMEK EQ 200,经典参数EQ的复制品,以其音乐性和精度而闻名。甜蜜您的轨道与Mäag音频EQ4,以其平滑,音乐EQing和特殊的“空气”,顶级工程师的声音需求而闻名。

提升您的母带与AMEK母带压缩器,它具有先进的真实有效值检测自然,透明的动态控制。添加丰富和深度与黑箱模拟设计HG-2MS,管饱和处理器,增强您的调音台总线与郁郁葱葱,模拟温暖。将您的声音沉浸在NEOLD WUNDERLICH的复古共鸣和低保真织体中,这是一个独特的色盒插件,可提供罕见的20世纪30年代真空管的温暖和特征。

深入研究Brainworx bx_console SSL 4000 E,复制音乐史上最具标志性的控制台之一的声音。Brainworx bx_console AMEK 9099提供了传奇的鲁珀特Neve声音与全面的动态控制和独特的功能,如光泽和发光EQ模式。


使用ADPTR AUDIO Metric AB简化您的工作流程,这是查看和听到您的调音台与商业发行曲目相比的参考插件,包含广泛的响度匹配和播放选项。


Bettermaker EQ232D提供了丰富,柔软的底部和清晰,平滑的传奇Pultec EQs的顶端,但具有干净和现代的扭曲,非常适合当代风格。



NEOLD WARBLE提供了最终的复古磁带调制和低保真效果,使你扔在它听起来特别,温暖和模拟的一切,完美地为您的产品添加有机的魔力。

•ADPTR音频度量AB 1.4.1
•amek eq 200 1.4.1
•Bettermaker EQ232D 1.1.0
•黑盒模拟设计HG-2MS 1.3.1
•Brainworx bx_console AMEK 9099 1.3.1
•Brainworx bx_console SSL 4000 E 1.7.1
•Brainworx bx_limiter True Peak 1.2.1
•elysia alpha压缩器1.17.1
•Kiive音频XTComp 1.0.0
•林德尔音频MBC 1.0.3
•Mäag音频EQ4 1.15.1
•Mixland Vac攻击1.0.1
•新warble 1.3
•新wunderlich 1.0.0
•三体技术Kirchhoff-EQ 1.6.4

•macOS 11.0或更高版本


Plugin Alliance’s 20 of the best mixing, mastering production plugins. This Must-Have Bundle unites groundbreaking technology with intuitive controls, tailored to help professionals and aspiring artists achieve studio-quality sound. Whether you’re mixing a tight pop track or mastering a complex orchestral piece, this bundle is a Must Have!

Elevate Your Sound
Unlock your production potential with the Must-Have Bundle, featuring a collection of meticulously crafted plugins from top audio software brands like Mixland, Three-Body Technology, Kiive Audio, Brainworx, ADPTR Audio, elysia, Unfiltered Audio, Mäag Audio, and NEOLD. This bundle is engineered to enhance every aspect of your music production, from mixing and mastering to dynamic processing and harmonic enhancement.

Dynamic Processing & Compression
Start with the Mixland Vac Attack, an optical compressor that combines vintage warmth with modern control, perfect for adding character to vocals and instruments. Experience the versatility of Kiive Audio’s XTComp, a multi-mode FET compressor that captures the essence of classic compressors like the LA-2A and 1176, ideal for everything from subtle vocal leveling to aggressive drum processing.

Reshape your sound with Three-Body Technology Kirchhoff-EQ, a 32-band parametric EQ with unmatched precision and a plethora of filter types for surgical adjustments. Then, refine your tracks with the AMEK EQ 200, a replica of the classic parametric EQs known for their musicality and precision. Sweeten your tracks with the Mäag Audio EQ4, known for its smooth, musical EQing and special ‘air’ that top engineers demand for vocals.

Mastering & Saturation
Elevate your mastering with the AMEK Mastering Compressor, which features advanced True RMS detection for natural, transparent dynamic control. Add richness and depth with the Black Box Analog Design HG-2MS, a tube saturation processor that enhances your mix bus with lush, analog warmth. Immerse your sounds in the vintage vibes and lo-fi textures of NEOLD WUNDERLICH, a unique color box plugin that delivers the warmth and character of rare 1930s vacuum tubes.

Console Emulation
Delve deeper with the Brainworx bx_console SSL 4000 E, replicating the sound of one of the most iconic consoles in music history. The Brainworx bx_console AMEK 9099 offers the legendary Rupert Neve sound with comprehensive dynamic controls and unique features like Sheen and Glow EQ modes.

Reverb & Effects
Explore creative reverb possibilities with Unfiltered Audio TAILS, developed with input from producer BT, offering clean, dissonance-free reverb tails and multiple reverb engines, perfect for studio or live performance.

Advanced Reference & Analysis
Streamline your workflow with ADPTR AUDIO Metric AB, the go-to reference plugin for seeing and hearing how your mix compares to commercially released tracks, packed with extensive loudness matching and playback options.

Innovative Dynamics Control
SPL Transient Designer Plus allows for threshold-independent dynamics processing, giving you extensive control over transients with just two knobs, making it a breeze to shape the volume envelope of sounds across your mix.

Mastering Grade EQ
Bettermaker EQ232D provides the lush, supple bottom and clear, smooth top end of the legendary Pultec EQs but with a clean and modern twist that’s perfect for contemporary styles.

Vintage Console Emulation
Lindell Audio 69 Series recaptures the classic tone of Helios Type 69 consoles, known for their smooth and harmonic sound, with expanded features to bring the sound of the original analog console into your digital workflow.

Multiband Dynamics
Lindell Audio MBC brings the iconic API® 2500 compressor to the multiband domain, offering the same great tone with extra power and flexibility for transparent yet assertive compression.

Vintage Tape Modulation & Effects
NEOLD WARBLE provides the ultimate vintage tape modulation and lo-fi effect, making everything you throw at it sound special, warm, and analog, perfect for adding organic mojo to your productions.

→ Included:
• ADPTR AUDIO Metric AB 1.4.1
• AMEK EQ 200 1.4.1
• AMEK Mastering Compressor 1.1.1
• Bettermaker EQ232D 1.1.0
• Black Box Analog Design HG-2MS 1.3.1
• Brainworx bx_console AMEK 9099 1.3.1
• Brainworx bx_console SSL 4000 E 1.7.1
• Brainworx bx_limiter True Peak 1.2.1
• elysia alpha compressor 1.17.1
• Kiive Audio XTComp 1.0.0
• Lindell Audio 69 Series 1.0.0
• Lindell Audio MBC 1.0.3
• Mäag Audio EQ4 1.15.1
• Mixland Vac Attack 1.0.1
• SPL Transient Designer Plus 1.10.1
• Three-Body Technology Kirchhoff-EQ 1.6.4
• Unfiltered Audio TAILS 1.1.0

Supported Operation System
• macOS 11.0 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor


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