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PreSonus Studio One Pro 5.2 R2R WiN

File Size: 146 MB

创建无边界。无极限生产。执行无惧。通过一个直观的应用程序记录,制作,混合,掌握和执行所有操作。 StudioOne®5的核心设计是易于使​​用,是您从工作室到舞台的创意合作伙伴。 Studio One由各种工具驱动,这些工具可增强您的创造力,而不会造成阻碍。我们开创了其拖放工作流程,该工作流程继续在其他地方被模仿。在其他DAW中采取五步操作的繁琐任务通常只需要…一。一个流行的例子:您可以通过简单的拖放操作将MIDI转换为音频并返回。

您的大部分工作都将在“歌曲页”中进行,您将获得无限制的音轨和公共汽车,以及录制,合成,编辑和混音所需的所有其他内容:用于合成(单声道和多声道)样本的一整套虚拟乐器,乐器播放和节奏;完整的Native Effects插件套件,具有全新的外观和版本5中的一些令人惊叹的功能,包括某些插件上的状态空间模型模拟驱动器;以及用于歌曲编排和原型制作的突破性工具。 Studio One独有的Project页面使您只需拖放歌曲文件,即可掌握自己的作品并撰写唱片。 Studio One为您处理版本控制和渲染,因此您始终知道您正在使用最新的混音。

版本5的新功能:我们利用了一些屡获殊荣的Notation符号技术来添加新的Score View。查看同一乐谱上的多个曲目。同时在乐谱和钢琴视图中查看相同的曲目。简化的播放符号托盘可让您添加crescendos,trills等,而无需重新录制曲目。我们还为先进的现代MIDI控制器添加了MIDI Polyphonic Expression支持。

最后一点-第一次,这是Studio 5的新功能,Studio One可以在舞台上加入您的行列。新的“显示页面”使您可以通过易于使用的“设置列表”将虚拟乐器,背景音乐和插件效果添加到现场乐器中。雕刻表演并每晚更改演出,或者在灵感激发时(或开幕乐队持续时间很长)即时进行快速编辑。

作为端到端制作的标准,只有Studio One 5与您无缝地从最初的灵感转移到完整的制作,最终的混音到母版专辑,数字发行到舞台制作……并让您真正地无界限地创作。



Create Without Boundaries. Produce Without Limits. Perform Without Fear. Record, produce, mix, master, and perform all from a single, intuitive application. Designed with ease of use at its core, Studio One® 5 is your creative partner from studio to stage. Studio One is driven by tools that enhance your creativity without getting in the way; we pioneered its drag-and-drop workflow that continues to be imitated elsewhere. Laborious tasks that take five steps in other DAWs usually only take… One. A popular example: you can convert MIDI to audio and back with a simple drag-and-drop.

Most of your work will take place in the Song Page, where you get unlimited tracks and buses, alongside everything else you need to record, compose, edit, and mix: a complete set of virtual instruments for synthesis (mono and poly) sample-instrument playback, and rhythm; a complete suite of Native Effects plug-ins with a fresh new look and some amazing features new in Version 5, including State Space Modeled analog drive on select plug-ins; and groundbreaking tools for song arranging and prototyping. Studio One’s exclusive Project page lets you master your compositions and comp your record, simply by dragging and dropping your Song file. Studio One handles the versioning and rendering for you, so you always know you’re working on the latest mix.

New in version 5: we’ve leveraged some of our award-winning Notion notation technology to add our new Score View. View multiple tracks on the same Score. View the same track in Score and Piano View at the same time. A streamlined pallet of playback symbols lets you add crescendos, trills and more without rerecording your track. We’ve also added MIDI Polyphonic Expression support for advanced, modern MIDI controllers.

Last and far from least—for the first time and new with version 5, Studio One can join you on stage. The new Show Page lets you add virtual instruments, backing tracks, and plug-in effects to your live instruments with an easy-to-use Setlist. Sculpt your performance and change your show each night, or do a quick edit on the fly when inspiration strikes (or the opening band runs long).

The standard for end-to-end production, only Studio One 5 seamlessly moves with you from initial inspiration to full production, final mix to mastered album, digital release to stage production… and lets you truly create without boundaries.

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