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ProdbyJack The Yokai Creative Kit WAV MiDi-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 09 November 2023 | 896 MB

Yokai 套件捆绑包为制作人提供了创建行业级和可放置的旋律样本所需的一切。 从 One Shot 到旋律层再到乐句,这个套件都是堆叠的。 该套件仅使用模拟合成器和效果踏板即可创建超过 1200 种高品质且有组织的声音,确实是独一无二的。

使用这 100 多个旋律样本中的任何一个,立即营造出一种氛围并即时发出无限的火焰节拍。 听到一些您喜欢但不想要完整样本的声音? 没问题,每个样品都包含所有茎!

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想要为您的样本添加一些快速的旋律吗? 将我们的 300 个旋律层之一拖放到混音中,即可立即提升任何样本。 有 10 个不同的类别可供选择,例如 Winds、Keys、Synths、Arps、Ethnic 等,此文件夹具有巨大的潜力

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•10 个不同的子文件夹,满足不同需求

也许是整个捆绑包中最重要的套件! 在里面你会发现超过 400 个旋律单曲,你可以用它们从头开始创作旋律。



在 Kodama 中,您会发现近 100 个短语可供选择。 使用合成器或乐器乐句为您的样本添加酷炫的耳朵糖果,或将它们组合起来创造您自己的独特旋律,这取决于您!


您已经掌握了声音,但仍在努力记下想法吗? 有了这 85 个旋律 midi 循环,您将永远不会再遇到这个问题。 通过这些和弦和旋律进行,您可以在几秒钟内获得疯狂的旋律。

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入门总是有用的,尤其是在灵感流失的时刻。 使用 50 首旋律启动器中的一首来构建想法并开始实施。 在样品形成时将其保留在那里,或者在基础知识完成后将其删除(它们太火了,您可能会保留它)

•全部按调和 BPM 标记


The Yokai kit bundle gives producers access to everything you need to create industry level and placement ready melody samples. From One Shots to Melody layers to Phrases, this kit is stacked. With over 1200 high quality and organised sounds created using only Analog synths and effects pedals this kit is truly one of a kind.

The “Kuchisa” Sample Pack
Instantly get a vibe going and make unlimited fire beats on the fly with any of these 100+ melody samples. Hear something you like but don’t want the full sample? no problem, all stems are included with each sample!

•Royalty Free Melodies
•All Labelled By Key & BPM
•Industry Quality & Placement Ready

The “Yamu” Melody Layers
Looking to add some quick melodics to your sample? drag and drop one of our 300 melody layers into the mix and instantly elevate any sample. With 10 different categories to choose from such as Winds, Keys, Synths, Arps, Ethnic and more, there is loads of potential with this folder

•Royalty Free Layers
•All Labelled By Key & BPM
•10 Different Sub Folders For Variety

The “Rokubi” One Shot Kit
Perhaps the most important kit of the whole bundle! inside you’ll find over 400 melodic one shots that you can use to create melodies from scratch.

There are Bells, Keys, Leads, Pads, Bass, Flutes literally every type of sound that you’ll ever need.

•Royalty Free Sounds
•Wide Variety Of Unique Sounds
•All Sounds Created With Analog Gear

The “Kodama” Phrase Kit
In Kodama you’ll find nearly 100 phrases to choose from. Use either the synth or instrument phrases to add cool ear candy to your samples or combine them to create unique melodies of your own, its up to you!

•Royalty Free Sounds
•2 Categories Of Sounds
•All Phrases Created With Analog Gear

The “Kiniki” Midi Kit
You’ve got the sounds but you’re struggling to get an idea down? with these 85 melody midi loops you’ll never have this problem again. With these chord and melody progressions you can have a crazy melody going in seconds.

•Royalty Free Melodies
•Wide Selection Of Melody Types
•All Labelled By Key & BPM

The “Shojo” Starter Kit
Starters are always useful especially in those moments where inspiration is escaping you. Use one of the 50 melody starters to build an idea from and get the ball rolling. Keep it in there as your sample is formed or delete it once the basics are down (they are so fire you’ll probably keep it)

•Royalty Free Melodies
•Simple & Complex Starters
•All Labelled By Key & BPM

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