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Producer Loops Midnight Lights MULTiFORMAT-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 27 February 2024 | 1.32 GB

隆重推出“Midnight Lights” – Producer Loops 为您带来的令人振奋的样本包,旨在激发您作品中 Synth Pop 的精髓。 在这个包中,霓虹灯闪烁的街道与脉动的节奏相遇,每一个节拍都捕捉到了夜晚的精髓。 “Midnight Lights”注重细节,提供了闪烁的合成器、丰富的旋律和富有感染力的节奏,定义了这一流派。 从唤起怀旧之情的梦幻打击垫到推动节奏前进的有力低音线,每个元素都经过精心策划,可将您的听众带入复古未来主义的幸福世界。

这五个构建套件具有多种循环、单次和 MIDI 文件,为各个级别的制作人提供了无限的创作可能性。 无论您是为舞池创作一首欢快的赞歌,还是为午夜驾车创作一首内省的歌谣,“Midnight Lights”都能为您提供实现梦想所需的工具。 该样本包融合了复古魅力和现代风格,是任何想要捕捉 Synth Pop 精髓的制作人的必备品。 因此,插上电源,调高音量,让“午夜之光”以前所未有的方式照亮您的创意之旅。

为了确保无缝集成,“Midnight Lights”提供多种格式,包括 WAV、Ableton Live、Apple Loops、MIDI、REX2 和 Reason ReFill,允许在 DAW 中无缝集成。

包含 MIDI 文件
包含大多数音乐短语的 MIDI 文件,可以轻松地与您最喜欢的合成器和采样器集成。

使用一次性鼓样本创建新鲜的节拍、填充和循环。 将它们加载到您喜欢的采样器中以释放无限的可能性。


所有循环都是 100% 免版税,让您可以自由地将它们合并到您的商业版本中,而无需隐藏费用。


• 5 个搭建套件
• ACIDized WAV 文件
• Ableton Live 8.1.3+
• MIDI 循环
• REX 循环
• 原因补充
• 循环与 BPM 同步
• 44.1kHz/24 位
• 兼容 PC/Mac
• 免版税(无例外)


Introducing “Midnight Lights” – an electrifying sample pack brought to you by Producer Loops, designed to ignite the essence of Synth Pop in your productions. In this pack, neon-lit streets meet pulsating rhythms, capturing the essence of the night with every beat. Crafted with attention to detail, “Midnight Lights” delivers shimmering synths, lush melodies, and infectious grooves that define the genre. From dreamy pads that evoke nostalgia to punchy basslines that drive the rhythm forward, each element is expertly curated to transport your listeners to a world of retro-futuristic bliss.

Featuring a diverse array of loops, one-shots, and MIDI files, these five construction kits provide endless creative possibilities for producers of all levels. Whether you’re crafting a euphoric anthem for the dancefloor or a introspective ballad for a midnight drive, “Midnight Lights” equips you with the tools you need to bring your vision to life. With its fusion of vintage charm and contemporary flair, this sample pack is a must-have for any producer looking to capture the essence of Synth Pop. So plug in, turn up the volume, and let “Midnight Lights” illuminate your creative journey like never before.

Unparalleled Compatibility and Features
To ensure seamless integration, “Midnight Lights” is available in various formats, including WAV, Ableton Live, Apple Loops, MIDI, REX2 and Reason ReFill, allowing for seamless integration inside your DAW.

MIDI Files Included
MIDI files for the majority of musical phrases are included, allowing effortless integration with your favorite synths and samplers.

One-Shot Samples
Create fresh beats, fills, and loops with the one-shot drum samples. Load them into your preferred sampler to unleash endless possibilities.

Dry/Wet Loops
Choose between ‘wet’ loops with pre-applied effects or ‘dry’ loops for personalized effects customization.

All loops are 100% Royalty-Free, granting you the freedom to incorporate them into your commercial releases without hidden costs.

Product Details:

• 5 Construction Kits
• ACIDized WAV Files
• Ableton Live 8.1.3+
• MIDI Loops
• REX Loops
• Reason ReFills
• Loops Synced To BPM
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit
• PC/Mac Compatible
• Royalty-Free (No Exceptions)

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