FANTASTiC | 23 October 2023 | 717 MB
期待大量抽象和腐烂的拟音声音、降档器、大量大气无人机和打击垫、从立体混响 360° 雨声到摩托车、火车和烟花的现场录音,巨大的冲击力,史诗般的、金属的和令人不安的立管、黑暗的刮擦声和数字音效 。
Cinematic Sound FX 包括带有键标签的 24 位 .wav 文件,可与每个声音程序和编辑软件一起使用。
所有声音都是 100% 免版税,可用于各种商业项目。
Expect a huge collection of abstract and decayed foley sounds, downshifters, tons of atmospheric drones and pads, field recordings from ambisonic 360° rain to motorcylces, trains and fireworks, massive impacts, epic, metallic and unnerving risers, dark scrapes and digital sound fx.
Everyone who is looking for some deep cinematic atmosphere will find the right sound in this huge sample library.
Cinematic Sound FX includes key-labeled 24bit .wav files, that can be used with every sound program and editing software.
All sounds are 100% royalty free and can be used for all kinds of commercial projects.
•300+ Original Sound Effects
•Professional use